Features of Custom Elements in Angular

  • Encapsulation: Custom elements encapsulate both the UI and behavior of a particular feature or component, ensuring a clear separation of concerns and preventing unintended side effects.
  • Reusability: Custom elements are designed to be reusable across different parts of an application. Once defined, they can be easily instantiated and used multiple times without duplicating code.
  • Modularity: By breaking down UI components into custom elements, developers can create a modular architecture that promotes scalability and maintainability. Each custom element represents a self-contained module that can be developed, tested, and deployed independently.
  • Flexibility: Custom elements in Angular offer flexibility in terms of customization and configuration. Developers can pass input properties, listen to output events, and apply styling to customize the behavior and appearance of custom elements as needed.
  • Interoperability: Angular custom elements can be seamlessly integrated with other frameworks and libraries. They comply with web standards, making them compatible with various browsers and environments.

Custom Element in Angular 17

In web development, creating reusable UI components is important for building scalable applications. Angular, a powerful front-end framework, offers to create custom elements. In this article, we’ll explore more about the custom components and their uses.


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Features of Custom Elements in Angular

Encapsulation: Custom elements encapsulate both the UI and behavior of a particular feature or component, ensuring a clear separation of concerns and preventing unintended side effects.Reusability: Custom elements are designed to be reusable across different parts of an application. Once defined, they can be easily instantiated and used multiple times without duplicating code.Modularity: By breaking down UI components into custom elements, developers can create a modular architecture that promotes scalability and maintainability. Each custom element represents a self-contained module that can be developed, tested, and deployed independently.Flexibility: Custom elements in Angular offer flexibility in terms of customization and configuration. Developers can pass input properties, listen to output events, and apply styling to customize the behavior and appearance of custom elements as needed.Interoperability: Angular custom elements can be seamlessly integrated with other frameworks and libraries. They comply with web standards, making them compatible with various browsers and environments....

Uses of Custom Elements in Angular

UI Components: Custom elements are commonly used to create UI components such as buttons, input fields, dropdown menus, modals, and cards. These components can be reused across different parts of an application to ensure consistency in design and user experience.Widgets and Plugins: Custom elements can be used to develop widgets, plugins, or standalone features that can be embedded into web pages or applications. Examples include interactive charts, maps, calendars, and social media integrations.Layout Components: Custom elements can represent layout components such as headers, footers, sidebars, and navigation menus. These components provide structural elements that define the layout and organization of a web page or application.Containers and Wrappers: Custom elements can act as containers or wrappers for other components or content. They provide a way to group related elements together and apply common styling or behavior to them....

Steps to Create Angular Application

Step 1: Install Angular CLI globally....


How are custom elements different from built-in HTML elements?...