Features of DNS services

The main features of DNS services are:

  • It can be used to map to a new IP address if the host’s IP address is ever changed.
  • It is easier to remember when compared to the IP address.
  • It allows organizations to use a domain name hierarchy that is independent of any IP address provided.

Kubernetes – Service DNS

An open-source container orchestration system called Kubernetes is primarily employed for the automated deployment, scaling, and management of software. Another name for Kubernetes is K8s. Initially created by Google, Kubernetes is currently maintained by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation. Although it now supports both containers and CRI-O in addition to the Docker runtime with which it was first intended to communicate.

Automating the operational chores of container management is Kubernetes’ primary goal. It has built-in commands for application deployment and rolling out necessary modifications to the application. Companies like Google, Spotify, and Capital One are now using it.

Table of Content

  • What is DNS?
  • What is Kubernetes Services DNS?
  • Namespaces of Services
  • DNS Records
  • What Is CoreDNS?
  • Difference Between Kube-DNS And CoreDNS
  • Confguration Files: Corefile
  • DNS For Services And Pods
  • Kubernetes Service DNS
  • Types of DNS Services
  • Pods
  • Features of DNS services
  • DNS search Domain List Limits
  • Customizing DNS Service
  • Using CoreDNS for Service Discovery
  • How to Configure DNS for A Cluster? A Step-By-Step Guide
  • Pod’s DNS Policy
  • Trouble Shooting Issues of Kubernetes DNS
  • Best Practices of Kubernetes External DNS

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A/AAAA Records...

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