Features of National Water Policy,2002

The Important features of the National water policy,2002 are:

  • Water is an excellent normal asset, a fundamental human need, and a valuable public resource. An advanced data framework for water-related information at the public/state level ought to be laid out with a network of information banks and information bases incorporating and reinforcing the current focal and state-level organizations.
  • Water assets accessible to the nation ought to be brought inside the classification of utilizable assets to the greatest conceivable degree.
  • Non-regular techniques for use of water, for example, through between bowl moves, counterfeit re-energize of ground water and desalination of bitter or ocean water as well as conventional water protection rehearses like water gathering, including rooftop top water collecting, should be polished to additional increment the utilizable water assets. Advancement of outskirts innovative work, in an engaged way, for these methods is fundamental.
  • Water assets improvement and the board should be anticipated a hydrological unit. Proper stream bowl associations ought to be laid out for the arranged turn of events and the executives of the waterway bowls.
  • Water ought to be made accessible to water-short regions by moving from different regions including move starting with one stream bowl and then onto the next, in the wake of considering the necessities of the areas/bowls.
  • Arranging water assets improvement activities ought to, quite far, be for multi-reason with an incorporated and multi-disciplinary methodology having respect to human and biological perspectives including those of distraught segments of the general public.
  • In the designation of water, the main goal ought to be given for drinking water, trailed by the water system, hydro-power, nature, agro-enterprises, and non-farming ventures, routes, and different purposes, in a specific order.
  • The abuse of groundwater ought to be managed concerning re-energize conceivable outcomes and thought of social value. The unfavorable ecological outcomes of over-double-dealing of groundwater should be really forestalled.
  • Sufficient accentuation should be given to the physical and monetary manageability of existing water assets offices. There is a need to guarantee that the water charges for different purposes ought to be fixed, for example, to cover basically the activity and support charges at first and a piece of the capital expenses hence.
  • The board of the water assets for different purposes ought to consolidate a participatory methodology by including clients and different partners along with different legislative organizations, in a successful and definitive way.
  • Confidential area support ought to be empowered in arranging, advancing, and the board of water assets projects for different purposes, any place is achievable.
  • Both surface water and groundwater ought to be routinely checked for quality. Effluents ought to be blessed to receive adequate levels and guidelines prior to releasing them into normal streams. The last stream ought to be guaranteed in the perpetual streams for keeping up with nature.
  • Effectiveness of use ought to be worked on in every one of the assorted purposes of water and preservation cognizance advanced through training, guideline, motivations, and disincentives.
  • Land disintegration via ocean or waterway ought to be limited by reasonable financially savvy measures. Aimless control of, and financial action in waterfront regions and floodplain zones ought to be directed.
  • Necessities of dry season inclined regions ought to be given need in the preparation of undertaking for improvement of water assets. These regions ought to be made less weak through different measures.
  • The water sharing/circulation among the states ought to be directed from a public point of view with due respect to water assets accessibility and necessities inside the stream bowl.
  • Preparing and research endeavors ought to be increased as a fundamental piece of water assets improvement.

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Explain the important features of National Water Policy, 2002

The need for a national water policy is an important issue that has been neglected by the government for a long time. The water crisis in India is a matter of grave concern. There are many reasons to have a national water policy and it is not just because of the alarming situation with the water shortage in India. The first reason is that there are no clear guidelines on how to deal with the crisis and secondly, there is no clear understanding of who owns or controls the country’s water resources.

We should not wait until we face an emergency situation before we decide what our approach should be towards this problem or whether we need to develop any kind of plan for managing our natural resources better. There is no national water policy, and the consequences are becoming more and more evident.

Eg: The lack of a national water policy in the United States has a huge impact on the environment and on public health.

National Water Policy 2002

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