Features of New Industrial Policy

The main feature of the new industrial policy was to create a more competitive environment in the economy and growth of the business. The main features of the policy are as follows:

  • De-licensing Policy: The new policy abolished compulsory licensing for all projects, except for six industries.
  • Decreased role of the Public Sector: The number of industries that were reserved for the public sector was reduced to four, and the remaining industries were open for the private sector.
  • Disinvestment: It means selling a part or whole of the share of the country. Disinvestment was carried out in many public sector and industrial enterprises.
  • Liberalization of foreign capital: The share of foreign equity participation was increased, and foreign direct investment was permitted.
  • Liberal policy for technical collaboration: Automatic permission was granted for technology agreements with foreign companies.
  • Setting up of Foreign Investment Promotion Board (FIBP): To promote and channel foreign investment in India, FIBP was set up.
  • De-reservation under small industries: De-reservation of many goods produced in small-scale industries was done.

As a part of economic reform, the government of India announced a new industrial policy in July 1991, which sought to liberate the industry from the shackles of the licensing system (liberalization). It drastically reduced the role of the public sector (privatization) and encouraged foreign private participation in industrial development (globalization).

1. Liberalization

Liberalization refers to the removal of entry and restriction on the private sector enterprise. It is any method of how a state raises its limitations on some private individual investors. For developing countries, liberalization has opened economic borders to foreign companies and investments. The main aim of liberalization was to lure MNCs and foreign investors to invest and expand in India. Earlier, investors have to face difficulties to enter countries with many barriers. These barriers included tax laws, foreign investment restrictions, legal issues, etc. The Indian business industries have been liberalized in the following ways:

  • Abolition of licensing requirements in most of the industries
  • No restriction on the expansion or contraction of business activities
  • Removal of restrictions on the movement of goods and services
  • Freedom in fixing the prices of goods and services
  • Reduction in tax rates and the unnecessary restrictions were uplifted 
  • Imports and Exports procedures were simplified
  • The process to attract MNCs, foreign capital and technology were also simplified and liberalized.

2. Privatization

Privatization means transfer of ownership, management and control of the public sector to the private sector. India went for privatization in the historic reforms budget of 1991, also known as the ‘New Economic Policy or LPG Policy’. The main aim of privatization was the removal of restrictions on the public sector and to enhance the role of the private sector. For privatization, the government of India initiated the following majors:

  • Disinvestment: Disinvestment means selling a part or the whole share of a public sector undertaking. If the private sector acquires more than 51 percent share of the public sector, then it would result in the transfer of ownership of the public sector to the private sector.
  • Revival of sick PSUs: The government of India set up the Board of Industrial and Financial Reconstruction(BIFR) to revive sick public sector units.

3. Globalization

Globalization means integrating the national economy with the world economy through removal of barriers on international trade and capital movement. Till 1991, the Indian government strictly regulated the import license through licensing of imports, tariff restrictions, and quantitative restrictions, but the new economic policy aimed to liberalize foreign trade through the policy of globalization. 

Various steps were taken by the Indian government in the direction of globalization:

  • Import liberalization through reduction in import tariffs and removal of quantitative restrictions on imports
  • Export promotions through wide range of incentives
  • Simplifications of export and import procedures 
  • Liberalization of norms for the entry of MNCs and foreign direct investment
  • Liberalization of foreign exchange management regime
  • Improvement of trade infrastructure, like port facility
  • More freedom to Foreign Institutional Investors to participate in the money and capital markets.

With Globalization, the interaction and interdependence amongst the various nations was increased. Whole global economy was integrated and it became easy to serve customers from different geographical locations, which increased the standard of living of people.

New Industrial Policy : Features & Impact

In order to review a backward economy, it was necessary for the government to plan for new economic planning. The new economic planning focused on the role of the public sector. The main objective of the new economic planning was: to initiate rapid economic growth in order to raise the standard of living and reduce unemployment, become self-reliant, and set up a strong industrial base providing more emphasis to heavy industries and giving more importance to the socialistic pattern of the economy. So, the Indian economy adopted the system of mixed economy. 

Table of Content

  • Features of the New Industrial Policy
  • Impact of Industrial Policy on Business

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