Features of Planning

By analyzing the above meaning and definition, we can reveal the following features of planning:

1. Planning Focuses on Achieving Objectives: Planning is a goal-oriented work because its purpose is to achieve organizational objectives quickly and economically. These objectives are purposeful, as they provide basic guidelines for planning activities by identifying the actions which lead to desired results.

2. Planning is a Primary Function of Management: Planning is the primary function of management as it serves as a base for all other management functions because it provides the basic framework within which all other management functions are performed. We consider it to be a blueprint, as it provides the foundation for managerial actions.

3. Planning is Pervasive: It is pervasive as it is required at all levels of management and in all types of organizations. However, the scope of planning varies from one level to another, while supervisors at the lowest level formulate day-to-day operational programs and middle-level managers prepare departmental plans, and the top management plans for the organization as a whole.

4. Planning is a Continuous Process: Planning is an ongoing process. Plans are prepared for a specific period and at the end of that period, there is a need for a new plan based on the new situation. Since the future is uncertain, there are various assumptions about the future that may change. Therefore, the original plan may have to be revised in light of changing conditions.

5. Planning is Futuristic: Planning involves looking into the future, and it predicts the best advantage of an organization. Managers plan to manage future events to the best of their capacity. Planning also involves thinking about the future for doing in the present. It essentially involves scientific anticipation of future events; i.e., forecasting.

6. Planning involves Decision-Making: Planning is the process of making choices from various alternatives to achieve the specified objectives. The need for planning arises only when alternatives are available, and in actual practice, planning presupposes the existence of alternatives. Thus, decision-making is an integral part of planning, as it involves a choice from various alternative courses of action. But, if there is only one alternative, then there is no need for planning.

7. Planning is a Mental Exercise: Planning is an intellectual process that is related to thinking before doing involving imagination and creativity. It is an activity of thinking based on logical reasoning rather than guessing and doing work. The success of planning depends on the performance of a planner. So, a planner must have intelligent imagination and sound judgment capacity.

Planning: Meaning, Features, Importance and Limitations

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