Features of the Typescript Language

  • It provides support for static typing and specific item-oriented language capabilities such as limitations, inheritance, interfaces, and names.
  • TyрeScript can be applied to existing JavaScript code, contains popular JavaScript libraries, and interacts with TypeScript generated code from other JavaScript. TypeScript is a language extension that adds capabilities to ECMAScript with additional features: type annotations and compile-time type checking, type inference, type erаsure, interfaces, enumerated types, generics, tuples, namespaces, async/await.
  • Modules, Classes, Аbbreviated “arrow” syntax fоr the anonymous functions, default parameters, and optional parameters are among the features backported from ECMAScript 2015.

.ts Program Format

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What is a TS file?

TS stands for the Typescript Language. TypeScript is a programming language developed and maintained by Microsoft. Type script is a subset of the javascript. It is a static language while the Javascript is a dynamic language. TypeScript is widely used for the development of large and small projects. Аs TypeScript is a subset of JS, and all present Javascript applications are also valid Typescript applications....

Example of the Typescript language

Javascript // addNumbers.ts // Function to add two numbers function addNumbers(a: number, b: number): number { return a + b; } // Variables representing two numbers let num1: number = 5; let num2: number = 8; // Call the function and store the result let sum: number = addNumbers(num1, num2); // Output the result to the console console.log(`The sum of ${num1} and ${num2} is: ${sum}`);...

Features of the Typescript Language

It provides support for static typing and specific item-oriented language capabilities such as limitations, inheritance, interfaces, and names.TyрeScript can be applied to existing JavaScript code, contains popular JavaScript libraries, and interacts with TypeScript generated code from other JavaScript. TypeScript is a language extension that adds capabilities to ECMAScript with additional features: type annotations and compile-time type checking, type inference, type erаsure, interfaces, enumerated types, generics, tuples, namespaces, async/await.Modules, Classes, Аbbreviated “arrow” syntax fоr the anonymous functions, default parameters, and optional parameters are among the features backported from ECMAScript 2015....

Applications of Typescript language

TypeScript is commonly used in web development for building modern, scalable, and maintainable applications. It is often employed in the development of SPAs where enhanced code organization, better tooling support.TypeScript can be integrated with React Native, allowing developers to use static typing in their React Native applications....

How to Use the Typescript

Javascript // hello-world.ts // Define a variable with a string type let greeting: string = "GFG"; // Output the greeting to the console console.log(greeting);...

Advantages of the Typescript

Code quality: Defining data structures in the beginning, using types and interfaces, forces you to think about your app’s data structure from the start and make better design decisions.Prevents bugs: TypeScript will not make your software bug-free. However, it can prevent a large number of type-related errors. Along with Clever IntelliSense, many browsers and IDEs enable direct debugging via Source Maps.Active community: TypeScript is becoming increasingly popular. It is used by top tech companies such as Google, Airbnb, Shopify, Asana, Adobe, and Mozilla, so we can assume that it meets their scalability requirements, as they develop large and complex applications....


In conclusion, since its introduction in 2012, TypeScript has developed to include important features like tuples, generics, and null prevention. It prioritises code reliability and developer efficiency with compatibility across multiple IDEs. Custom JSX factories were added in Version 4.0, demonstrating TypeScript’s dedication to innovation. Being a dynamic language, TypeScript is still essential to modern web development because it gives programmers the tools they need to build reliable and maintainable applications in the rapidly evolving tech sector....


Q1. Can TypeScript run in browser? Ans: Typescript can’t run directly in browsers but can be complied in javascript to read by browsers. Q2. Where TypeScript is installed? Ans: We can install the typescript by writing command npm list -g typescript in CLI. Q3. Who developed Typescript? Ans: Anders Hejlsberg at Microsoft developed the Typescript language. Q4. Is TypeScript used for backend or frontend? Ans: Typescript can be used both for frontend and backend development....