Fertilization Age

The fertilization age is the duration of fertilization. It normally happens within a day of ovulation, one after the other, and happens on average 14 days next the commencement of the continuing menstruation (LMP). There is also significant flexibility in this period, with a 9 to 95 % forecast period of ovulation of 9 to 20 days next to menstruation even for a mean woman who has an average LMP – to – ovulation time of 14 .6 . In a recommendation category act for whole women, the 95%  forecast period of the LMP – to – ovulation is 8.2 to 20.5 days. The real flexibility connecting gestational age even as approximated from the commencement of the last menstrual period is considerably bigger due to the unpredictability of which the menstrual cycle brings about pregnancy. For instance, the menstruation can be short sufficient to give the incorrect image that ab earlier menstruation gave rise to the pregnancy, likely giving an approximate gestational age i.e. roughly one month enormous. In addition, vaginal bleeding happens throughout 15 – 25 % of first-session pregnancies and can be wrong as menstruation, possibly giving an approximate gestational age that is deficient.

Diseases affecting Human Fertility 

When a woman doesn’t conceive a pregnancy after trying to conceive for one year is called infertility. In women endometriosis, uterine fibroids, and thyroid diseases cause infertility. In men low sperm count or low testosterone, increases the risk of infertility. 

Risk factors for Infertility

  • Age (women after 35 or men after 40) 
  • Diabetes 
  • Eating disorders such as bingeing, anorexia nervosa, and bulimia.
  • Immoderate use of alcohol.
  • Subjection to environmental toxins, including lead and pesticides.
  • Exercising in excess amount 
  • Radiation therapy. 
  • Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) 
  • Smoking 
  • Stress 
  • Obesity 

Process of Fertilization in Human Being

Fertilization is the process in which the union of two haploid gametes i.e. male gamete (sperm) and female gamete (ovum) takes place to form a diploid zygote. The concept of fertilization was given by Leeuwenhoek in 1683. In human beings, inside the ampullary isthmic junction of the oviduct (fallopian tube), fertilization takes place. During mating, the male releases semen into the female’s vagina near the cervix. This is called insemination. While releasing, single semen may have 300 million sperms. At the rate of 1.5 to 3 mm per minute, sperms swim in the fluid medium to reach the site. A million sperms are engulfed by the leucocytes of the vaginal epithelium. The mature Graafian follicle of an ovary eject oocyte. The fallopian funnel received the oocyte and transferred it into the Fallopian tube. After releasing from the ovary within 24 hours secondary oocyte can be fertilized. Already second meiotic division is in progress, so, sperm enters the secondary oocyte. Various changes occur in sperm before fertilization, which prepares it to fertilize the ovum. This is called copulation. It takes nearly 5 to 6 hours for capacitation.

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Fertilization Age

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