FHSS (Frequency-Hopping Spread Spectrum)

In FHSS (Frequency-Hopping Spread Spectrum), the frequency of the transmitted signal is rapidly switched in a predetermined pattern. This pattern is nothing but “hopset” which allows the sender and receiver to communicate and reduces interference from other signals or sources. FHSS is a type of multiplexing, which allows multiple signals to be transmitted simultaneously over a shared channel.

Advantages of FHSS

  1. FHSS allows multiple signals to share the same frequency band simultaneously.
  2. It is more secure than other types of communication.

Disadvantages of FHSS

  1. FHSS requires more complex circuitry than other types of communication.
  2. It is expensive to implement.

Applications of FHSS

  1. Modulates a carrier signal.
  2. Used in Wireless Networking Devices like Wi-fi, and Bluetooth.

Difference between FHSS and DSSS

Spread spectrum is a communication technique in which the frequency spectrum of a signal is spread out over a wider bandwidth than the minimum bandwidth required to transmit the information. It is used in wireless communications to transmit signals over a wide frequency range. It involves the spreading of signal energy over a wide range of frequencies, which helps to reduce interference with other signals and improves the reliability of communication. There are two main types of spread spectrum: Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum (FHSS) and Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS). 

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FHSS (Frequency-Hopping Spread Spectrum)

In FHSS (Frequency-Hopping Spread Spectrum), the frequency of the transmitted signal is rapidly switched in a predetermined pattern. This pattern is nothing but “hopset” which allows the sender and receiver to communicate and reduces interference from other signals or sources. FHSS is a type of multiplexing, which allows multiple signals to be transmitted simultaneously over a shared channel....

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Differences between FHSS and DSSS

Category FHSS  DSSS Abbreviation  FHSS is Frequency-Hopping Spread Spectrum DSSS is Direct-Sequence Spread Spectrum Definition FHSS is a type of spread spectrum technology in which the frequency of the transmitted signal changes according to a specific pattern. DSSS is a type of spread spectrum technology in which the transmitted signal is spread across multiple frequency bands. Pattern In FHSS, the data transmission is encoded and decoded using a specific pattern called hopset. In DSSS, the data transmission is encoded and decoded using a pseudo-random binary sequence or chip code. Frequency band FHSS transmits data using a narrowband carrier that hops among different frequency channels. DSSS transmits data using a wider frequency band. Interference resistant FHSS is more resistant to interference because it uses frequency hopping, which makes it difficult to intercept the signal. DSSS is more vulnerable to interference because it uses a wider frequency band. Susceptibility FHSS is less susceptible to multipath fading, it is a phenomenon in which the transmitted signal arrives at the receiver via multiple paths, resulting in a loss of signal quality. DSSS is more susceptible to multipath fading because it uses a wider frequency band. Transmission speed FHSS has low transmission rates (up to 3 Mbps). DSSS has high transmission rates (up to 11 Mbps). Modulation techniques used Multilevel Frequency Shift Keying (FSK) was used. BPSK (Binary Phase-Shift Keying) was used. Efficiency FHSS is generally more efficient than DSSS in terms of bandwidth utilization. DSSS is less efficient because it uses a wider frequency band. Application areas It is widely used in a variety of applications, including wireless networking like Bluetooth, mobile communications, and military communications. It is well-suited for particular applications where the signal must travel over long distances like GPS, and WIFI....