Financial Crisis of 1780s

The Financial Crisis of the 1780s was a period of economic turmoil that began with the bankruptcy of the French East India Company in 1785. This led to a sharp increase in the price of bread, which sparked riots in Paris and other cities. The financial crisis deepened when King Louis XVI attempted to enact austerity measures, including raising taxes and reducing government spending. This led to further unrest, and ultimately the storming of the Bastille and the start of the French Revolution.

Causes of the French Revolution

The French Revolution was a period in France when individuals ousted the government and assumed command over public authority. The Revolution started in 1789 and finished in the last part of the 1790s. Before the French Revolution began, individuals of French were isolated into gatherings or “Domains”.

The French Revolution was one of the most critical and renowned occasions in world history. Enduring from 1789 to 1799, it came about, in addition to other things, toppling the government in France. There were different reasons which achieving the Revolution. These incorporate scholarly reasons like the thoughts set forward by the thinkers of the Age of Enlightenment; social reasons like the ascent of the bourgeoisie class; political reasons like the ineffectual administration of French ruler Louis XVI; social reasons like the uncalled-for Estates System; monetary reasons like French association in costly conflicts; and financial reasons like the ascent in the cost of bread.

Table of Content

  • Causes of French Revolution
  • Social Inequality in France due to the Estate System
  • Thoughts put Forward by Enlightenment Philosophers
  • Monetary Crisis caused due to Costly Wars
  • Uncommon Weather and Poor Harvests in Preceding Years
  • Inadequate Leadership of Louis XV and Louis XVI
  • Parliaments’ Successful Opposition to Reforms
  • The Extravagant Lifestyle of French Monarchy
  • Financial Crisis of 1780s
  • Political Crisis of 1780s

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Causes of French Revolution


Social Inequality in France due to the Estate System

The main causes that led to the French Revolution are as follows:...

Tax Burden on Third Estate

During the 1780s, the number of inhabitants in France was around 24 million and 700 thousand and it was partitioned into three homes. The First Estate was the Roman Catholic ministry, which numbered around 100,000. The Second Estate has comprised the French respectability, which numbered around 400,000. Every other person in France; including shippers, legal counselors, workers, and laborers; had a place with the Third Estate, which contained around 98% of the French populace. The Third Estate was avoided from places of high standing and political power; and was peered downward on by different bequests. It was subsequently infuriated and despised its situation in French society. This prompted them to meet up to send off the French Revolution in 1789....

The Rise of Bourgeoisie

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Thoughts put Forward by Enlightenment Philosophers

The bourgeoisie were the rich people of the Third Estate who began to become persuasive in the years prompting the insurgency. They developed into another rank with their own plan and political desire. The bourgeoisie loathed the place of the First and the Second Estate, which they accepted was gotten from their endeavors. Also, they sought to achieve political balance with the other two domains. The longing of the bourgeoisie to free themselves of medieval and regal infringements on their own freedom, business possibilities, and responsibility was one reason which prompted the French Revolution....

Monetary Crisis caused due to Costly Wars

The Age of Enlightenment was a scholarly and philosophical development that ruled the universe of thoughts in Europe during the eighteenth 100 years. Edification thinkers like John Locke, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, and Baron de Montesquieu scrutinized the conventional outright power of the ruler and divisions of society like the Estates System. For instance, Locke contended that a pioneer may possibly oversee a general public assuming he had the assent of those he represented; Rousseau was against all class divisions, and Montesquieu pushed for an arrangement of government in view of the partition of abilities. The works of Enlightenment masterminds were examined in France more than elsewhere and they extraordinarily affected the progressives....

Uncommon Weather and Poor Harvests in Preceding Years

All through the eighteenth hundred years, France took an interest in a progression of costly conflicts principally against its drawn-out rival Great Britain. Louis XV, who managed France from 1715 to 1774, lost the Seven Years’ War against Britain. He then attracted up an arrangement to retaliate for the misfortune by building a bigger naval force and an enemy of the British alliance of partners. Be that as it may, this man brought about a pile of obligations. Louis XVI, grandson of Louis XV succeeded him in 1774, then elaborate France in the American War of Independence against Britain. However the U.S. won the conflict, and France acquired little from it. French help for the conflict was costly costing 1.066 million French lives, a gigantic total at that point....

Inadequate Leadership of Louis XV and Louis XVI

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Parliaments’ Successful Opposition to Reforms

In France, as in most other European countries, the ruler administered based on the heavenly right of lords. He was in this manner not liable to his subjects. Nonetheless, the methods of reasoning of Enlightenment masterminds made the public think in an unexpected way. Louis XV neglected to beat the monetary issues confronting France. He couldn’t orchestrate the clashing gatherings at court to show up at sound monetary approaches. Louis XVI then, at that point, attempted to achieve revolutionary changes but flopped pitiably. The poor financial state of the country maddened the majority and they became incredulous of their ruler. In addition, both Louis XV and his grandson knew about the enemy of monarchist powers that were undermining their family’s standards yet they couldn’t stop them....

The Extravagant Lifestyle of French Monarchy

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Financial Crisis of 1780s

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Political Crisis of 1780s

The Financial Crisis of the 1780s was a period of economic turmoil that began with the bankruptcy of the French East India Company in 1785. This led to a sharp increase in the price of bread, which sparked riots in Paris and other cities. The financial crisis deepened when King Louis XVI attempted to enact austerity measures, including raising taxes and reducing government spending. This led to further unrest, and ultimately the storming of the Bastille and the start of the French Revolution....

Frequently Asked Questions

The Political Crisis of the 1780s was a period of turmoil in the French government. The main cause of the crisis was the financial problems of the state, which led to a series of protests by the people. The other causes of the crisis were the corruption in the government and the increasing power of the king. The financial problems of the state were caused by a number of factors. Firstly, there was a lot of spending on wars, which drained resources from the state. Secondly, there was a decrease in revenue from taxes due to the economic recession. Thirdly, there was an increase in borrowing by the state, which further increased its debt burden....