Financial Stakeholders and Shareholder Value

Shareholders have interest in how well the business does financially. These individuals mainly include owners of company stock and creditors who lent money to it. One important idea for these financial stakeholders is known as “shareholder value”. What this means is basically what shares in a firm are worth to its owners. Firms usually aim at increasing profits so as to maximize this value. However there might sometimes arise a conflict between doing this or satisfying other stakeholders such as workers; suppliers; communities amongst others. Stakeholder capitalism represents an increasingly popular theory which accentuates the importance of meeting diverse interests towards achieving sustainable growth over time span.

For example, a organization may choose to decrease its expenses by retrenching workers. This move might lead to an immediate increase in the value of shares for the shareholders through reducing costs. Nonetheless, it can also have adverse effects on the employees, society as well as the reputation of the company in the end.

To handle such intricacies and realize prolonged growth, it is important that organizations manage stakeholders effectively which includes recognizing what financial stakeholders expect.

Stakeholder: Meaning, Importance, Types, Concerns & Management

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Stakeholder – FAQs

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