Fish Market Dataset

This dataset includes data on the common fish species in fish market sales. Attributes include weight, length, height, and width of fish, useful for predicting fish weight based on these physical characteristics.

  • Dataset Source: Fish Market Dataset
  • Labels: Continuous values representing the weight of the fish (in grams).
  • Scope: Includes various species of fish with attributes like length, height, and width.
  • Size: 159 samples, each with 7 attributes.
  • Language: N/A (numerical data).

Dataset for Linear Regression

In this article, we will explore the Dataset for Linear Regression (LR). Linear regression is a fundamental statistical and machine learning technique used for predicting a continuous outcome variable based on one or more explanatory variables.

It assumes a linear relationship between the input variables and the target variable, making it a simple yet powerful tool for modeling and understanding data. Linear regression datasets play a crucial role in training and evaluating linear regression models.

We will examine the list of top Linear Regression datasets in this article.

Table of Content

  • Boston Housing Dataset
  • Advertising Dataset
  • California Housing Dataset
  • Auto MPG Dataset
  • Diabetes Dataset
  • Fish Market Dataset
  • Wine Quality Dataset
  • Insurance Charges Dataset
  • Salary Dataset
  • Energy Efficiency Dataset
  • Stock Market Dataset
  • Customer Churn Dataset
  • Student Performance Dataset

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Boston Housing Dataset

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Advertising Dataset

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California Housing Dataset

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Fish Market Dataset

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We provided a list of commonly used linear regression datasets, such as the Boston Housing, Advertising, California Housing, Auto MPG, Diabetes, Fish Market, Wine Quality, Insurance Charges, Salary, and Energy Efficiency datasets. These datasets cover a range of domains and provide diverse data for practicing linear regression modeling....

Datasets for Linear Regression – FAQs

What criteria should I consider when selecting a dataset for linear regression analysis?...