Five Scrum Values

The Scrum values are fundamental principles that help to create successful and collaborative teamwork. This assists teams to adapt to change and deliver products in an agile and iterative way.

  1. Focus: The Scrum team focuses collectively on the Sprint goal for achieving the objectives of the Sprint.
  2. Openness: All team members and stakeholders are open and transparent about everything being worked on and planned including challenges faced which helps to address issues collaboratively.
  3. Respect: Scrum Team members respect each other’s skills and expertise and learn from each other.
  4. Courage: The Scrum team members should have the courage to express their opinions and make decisions for the benefit of the Team and Project.
  5. Commitment: The individual Scrum Team members commit to achieving the Sprint and Product goal.

What is Scrum in Agile Project Management?

Agile is one of the project management methodologies with an iterative approach that continuously improves a product or project delivery. In Agile there are many frameworks and Scrum is one of them, used in project management. This article discusses Scrum, its values, ceremonies (events), artifacts, and roles.

Table of Content

  • Scrum Roles
  • Scrum Events
  • Five Scrum Values
  • Scrum in Action
  • Scaling Scrum
  • Advantages of Scrum
  • Disadvantages of Scrum
  • Criticisms and Challenges
  • Conclusion

Scrum is an Agile project management framework that is mainly used in software development and in any industry to deliver products and services. Scrum provides a structured and adaptive method for scrum teams to work together in a collaborative way to deliver software iteratively and incrementally. The Scrum methodology is founded on the 3 pillars of empiricism namely Transparency, Inspection, and Adaptation.

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Scrum Roles

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Scrum Events

Sprint: Sprint is a fixed-length event of 1 month or less which includes planning, daily scrum, review, and retrospective. A Sprint consists of ongoing development which results in Product Increment. Sprint Planning: Sprint planning is an event to define the Sprint Goal and determine the Product Backlog items to accomplish the Sprint Goal. Daily Scrum: The Scrum Team daily for 15 minutes or less to review the progress of the current Sprint and plan for the day about what is going to be worked on. Sprint Review: The Scrum Team including all stakeholders meets 1 hour or less per week of a Sprint duration, to review the Product Increment delivered and plan for items to work on next. Sprint Retrospective: After the successful completion of a Sprint and product increment, the Scrum team reviews the work about how it went, what issues were faced, and how it was solved and decides on improvements. Retrospective event is timeboxed to 45 minutes or less per week of a Sprint duration...

Five Scrum Values

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Scrum in Action

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Scaling Scrum

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Advantages of Scrum

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Disadvantages of Scrum

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Criticisms and Challenges

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Scrum in Agile Project Management promotes collaboration, and transparency and helps in delivering value to the customers and company in short iterative cycles. Scrum enables the team to respond to change quickly based on evolving requirements to deliver product increments based on customer needs. Scrum is the most popular framework of Agile Project management methodology....