Flow Chart of FaceMask Detection System


In order to train a custom face mask detector, we need to break our project into two distinct phases, each with its own respective sub-steps (as shown by Figure 1 above):

  • Training: Here we’ll focus on loading our face mask detection dataset from disk, training a model (using Keras/TensorFlow) on this dataset, and then serializing the face mask detector to disk
  • Deployment: Once the face mask detector is trained, we can then move on to loading the mask detector, performing face detection, and then classifying each face as with_mask or without_mask.


We will use these images to build a CNN model using TensorFlow to detect if you are wearing a face mask by using the webcam of your PC. Additionally, you can also use your phone’s camera to do the same!

FaceMask Detection using TensorFlow in Python

In this article, we’ll discuss our two-phase COVID-19 face mask detector, detailing how our computer vision/deep learning pipeline will be implemented.

We’ll use this Python script to train a face mask detector and review the results. Given the trained COVID-19 face mask detector, we’ll proceed to implement two more additional Python scripts used to:

  • Detect COVID-19 face masks in images
  • Detect face masks in real-time video streams

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Flow Chart of FaceMask Detection System


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