Formula of Cube

A cube is a 3D figure. Hence, it will occupy space which is called the volume of the cube. Each face has an area that combines to give up the surface area of the cube. Let’s learn the Formula of the Cube. Let us assume each side of the cube measures ‘a’ units. Hence formulas for this cube are given as:

  • Volume of Cube = (Side)3 = a3 cubic units
  • Total Surface Area of the Cube = 6 ⨯ (side)2 = 6a2 square units
  • Lateral Surface Area of the Cube = 4 ⨯ (side)2 = 4a2 square units
  • Diagonal of Cube = √3 ⨯ side = √3 a units

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How many faces, edges, and vertices does a cube have?

Cube is a 3-Dimensional Figure in which all dimensions are equal. A cube has 6 Square faces as all the sides of a cube are equal. The boundary where the faces of the cube meet are called the cube edges. The point at which the cube edges meet is called the cube vertices. A cube has 12 Edges and 8 vertices. In this article, we will learn about cube edges faces vertices in detail with a brief introduction to cubes.

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Formula of Cube

A cube is a 3D figure. Hence, it will occupy space which is called the volume of the cube. Each face has an area that combines to give up the surface area of the cube. Let’s learn the Formula of the Cube. Let us assume each side of the cube measures ‘a’ units. Hence formulas for this cube are given as:...

Sample Problems on Cube Faces Edges and Vertices

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