Formulas Related to Electrons

Electron are used to explain various concepts in an atom and some of the formulas related to electrons are,

Energy of Electron in nth Energy Level

Energy of an electron in the nth level of a hydrogen atom can be calculated using the formula:

E(n) = -1/n2 × 13.6 eV

Where, n is the Principal Quantum Number that represents the energy level of the electron.

Wavelength of Electron

The wavelength of an electron can be calculated using the de Broglie Wavelength formula:

λ = h/p


  • λ is the Wavelength
  • h is Planck’s Constant
  • p is the Momentum of Electron

Electron Orbits and Energy Level

The energy level of an electron is determined by the orbital in which it is present. Orbitals with lower energy levels are closer to the nucleus, and orbitals with higher energy levels are farther from the nucleus. Electrons can move between orbitals by absorbing or emitting energy. An electron cannot exist in between energy levels of the orbitals.

What is an Electron?

Electrons are subatomic particles that have an elementary charge of (-1) magnitude. The charge held by an electron is equal in magnitude and has the opposite sign to the charge carried by a proton. Electrons, Protons, and Neutrons are the fundamental particles that are made up of the entire universe.

In this article, we will look into Electron Definition. Discovery of Electrons, Application of Electrons, and others in detail.

Table of Content

  • What is an Electron?
  • What is Electron Made Of?
  • Discovery of Electron
  • Fundamental Properties of Electrons
  • Formulas Related to Electrons

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