Four Processes of the Carnot Cycle

  1. In (a), the cycle is reversible isothermal gas development. In this cycle, how much intensity is consumed by the ideal gas is qin from the intensity source at a temperature of Th. The gas grows and takes care of business on the environmental factors.
  2. In (b), the cycle is reversible adiabatic gas development. Here, the framework is thermally protected, the gas proceeds to grow, and work is finished on the environmental elements. Presently the temperature is lower, Tl.
  3. In (c), the cycle is a reversible isothermal gas pressure process. Here, the intensity misfortune out happens when the environmental factors accomplish the work at temperature Tl.
  4. In (d), the cycle is reversible adiabatic gas pressure. Again the framework is thermally protected. The temperature again increases back to Th as the encompassing keep on taking care of their responsibilities on the gas.

Isothermal Development

The gas is taken from P1, V1, T1 to P2, V2, and T2. Heat Q1 is ingested from the repository at temperature T1. Since the development is isothermal, the all-out change in inward energy is zero, and the intensity consumed by the gas is equivalent to the work done by the gas on the climate, which is given as:

W1 ⇢ 2 = Q1 = μ × R × T1 × ln(υ2 ⁄ υ1)

Adiabatic Extension

In this expansion, the gas extends adiabatically from P2, V2, and T1 to P3, V3, and T2.

W2 ⇢ 3 = (μ R / γ-1) (T1 – T2)

Isothermal Pressure

In this expansion, the gas is packed isothermally from the state (P3, V3, T2) to (P4, V4, T2).

W3 ⇢ 4 = μ R T2 ln (υ3 / υ4)

Adiabatic Pressure

In this process, the gas is compacted adiabatically from the state (P4, V4, T2) to (P1, V1, T1).

W4 ⇢ 1 = (μ R / γ – 1) (T1 – T2)

The total outwork done by the gas on the climate in one complete cycle is given by,

W = W1⇢2 + W2⇢3 + W3⇢4 + W4⇢1

Net efficiency = Net work done by the gas/Heat absorbed by the gas

Net efficiency = (W/Q1) =(Q1 – Q2)/Q1) =1-(Q2/Q1)

Since stage 2->3 is an adiabatic interaction, we can compose, T1 V2Ƴ-1 = T2 V3Ƴ-1 or (υ2 / υ3) = (T2 / T1)1/γ-1.

Similarly, (υ1 / υ2) = (T2 / T1)1/γ-1

This implies, υ2 / υ3 = υ12

Thus, the articulation for net productivity of Carnot motor diminishes to the net efficiency of (1 – T2/T1).

Carnot Engine

A Carnot motor is a hypothetical motor that works on the Carnot cycle. Nicolas Leonard Sadi Carnot fostered the fundamental model for this motor in 1824. In this unmistakable article, you will find out about the Carnot cycle and Carnot Theorem exhaustively. The Carnot motor is a hypothetical thermodynamic cycle proposed by Leonard Carnot.

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