Four types of Vedas

RIG VEDA Aiteraya, Kaushitaki

Upaveda: Dhanurveda (Warfare)

Hotr/Hotar Oldest surviving text.

Hymns are dedicated to several deities mostly to Indra.

Themes: Life, death, creation, sacrifice and ‘soma’(godly pleasure)

SAM VEDA Tandya, Sadavimsha

Upaveda: Gandhavra Veda (Music)

Udgatar Earliest book on music (Sama = Melody; ragas & raginis)

Poetic text, derived from Rig Veda.

YAJUR VEDA Taittiriya, Shatapatha

Upaveda: Sthapatyaveda (Architecture)

Adhavaryu Sacrifices and rituals, composed both in prose and poetry.

Two related samhitas: Shukla and Krishna


Upaveda: Ayurveda (Medicine)

Priests (Brahmins) didn’t recite it Magic, omen, agriculture, industry/craft, cattle rearing, cure for disease; composed by Non-Aryans

The Six Theistic Philosophies (‘Darshan’)

  1. Samkhya: theoretical foundation; by Kapil
  2. Yoga: union of soul with God; by Patanjali
  3. Vaisheshika: discusses atomic theory; by Kanad
  4. Nyaya: philosophy of logic; by Gautam
  5. Mimansa: rituals; by Jaimini
  6. Vedanta: most important; by Badrayan


These six Vedangas are supplements to the Vedas, hence required for their better understanding:

  1. Siksha: Pronunciation of the words; education
  2. Nirukta: Origin of the words
  3. Chhanda: Metricts used in Sanskrit verses.
  4. Jyotish: Understanding of astronomy
  5. Vyakaran: Sanskrit grammar
  6. Kalpa: Knowledge of rituals (Dharmasutras)


  • The Upanishads show how you can gain knowledge by sitting near a teacher.
  • They’re also called Vedantas because they contain truths about human life and the way to ‘moksha’ or liberation.
  • There are more than 200 Upanishads, but 108 of them are called ‘muktikas.’
  • The Mundaka Upanishad includes the well-known phrase ‘Satyameva Jayate,’ which means ‘Truth alone triumphs.’

Vedic Civilization Period: History, Events

The Vedic civilization, spanning from approximately 1500 BCE to 500 BCE, was an ancient Indo-Aryan culture in the Indian subcontinent. It is characterized by the composition of the Vedas, the emergence of early Hindu traditions, and the transition from a semi-nomadic, pastoral lifestyle to settled agriculture in the fertile plains of the Ganges River.

In this article, we have covered the Vedic Civilization’s history, Events, period, Literature, Theistic Philosophies, The northwestern descriptions, and many more.

Let’s dive right in.

Vedic Civilization

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VEDAS ASSOCIATED BRAHMANA/ UPAVEDA PRIESTLY RECITER COMMENTS RIG VEDA Aiteraya, Kaushitaki Upaveda: Dhanurveda (Warfare) Hotr/Hotar Oldest surviving text. Hymns are dedicated to several deities mostly to Indra. Themes: Life, death, creation, sacrifice and ‘soma’(godly pleasure) SAM VEDA Tandya, Sadavimsha Upaveda: Gandhavra Veda (Music) Udgatar Earliest book on music (Sama = Melody; ragas & raginis) Poetic text, derived from Rig Veda. YAJUR VEDA Taittiriya, Shatapatha Upaveda: Sthapatyaveda (Architecture) Adhavaryu Sacrifices and rituals, composed both in prose and poetry. Two related samhitas: Shukla and Krishna ATHARVA VEDA Gopatha Upaveda: Ayurveda (Medicine) Priests (Brahmins) didn’t recite it Magic, omen, agriculture, industry/craft, cattle rearing, cure for disease; composed by Non-Aryans...

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