Fourth Largest Soybean-Producing Country in the World – China

China’s soybean production for the 2022/23 marketing year is estimated at 20.3 million metric tons. This is a 10% increase from the previous month, a 24% increase from the previous year, and a 19% increase from the five-year average of 17.1 mmt. China’s total demand for soybeans in 2022 was just over 115 million tonnes, with over 80% of that being met through imports. The government has targeted an output of over 36 million tonnes by 2032 to reduce this reliance.





Rank in Soybean Production


Soybean Production in 2022

20.3 million metric tonnes

Percentage of Global Production

Around 5-8%

Leading Soybean Producing Regions

Heilongjiang, Jilin, Inner Mongolia

Main Import Sources

United States, Brazil, Argentina, Canada

Major Challenges

Limited arable land, reliance on imports, food security concerns, environmental issues

List of Top 10 Largest Soybean-Producing Countries in the World

The Top 10 Largest Soybean-Producing Countries in the world are Brazil, the USA, Argentina, China, India, Canada, Russia, Paraguay, Bolivia, and Ukraine. These 10 countries accounted for over 80% of the world’s soybean production in 2024. Brazil and the United States are the two largest soybean-producing countries in the world, together accounting for over 65% of global production. In 2024, the world produced 368.6 million metric tons of soybeans.

In this article, we will look into the list of the top 10 largest soybean-producing countries in the world along with their contribution to the global output.

Table of Content

  • About the Top 10 Largest Soybean-Producing Countries in the World
  • List of Top 10 Largest Soybean-Producing Countries in the World
  • Largest Soybean-Producing Country in the World – Brazil
  • Second Largest Soybean-Producing Country in the World – USA
  • Third Largest Soybean-Producing Country in the World – Argentina
  • Fourth Largest Soybean-Producing Country in the World – China
  • Fifth Largest Soybean-Producing Country in the World – India
  • Sixth Largest Soybean-Producing Country in the World – Canada
  • Seventh Largest Soybean-Producing Country in the World – Russia
  • Eighth Largest Soybean-Producing Country in the World – Paraguay
  • Ninth Largest Soybean-Producing Country in the World – Bolivia
  • Tenth Largest Soybean-Producing Country in the World – Ukraine

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Fourth Largest Soybean-Producing Country in the World – China

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Conclusion – Top 10 Largest Soybean-Producing Countries in the World

In conclusion, Brazil is the top producer of soybeans in the world, followed by the United States, Argentina, China, and India. These five countries produce over 85% of the world’s soybeans. The United States and Brazil together produce around 65% of the global soybean supply. Soybeans are an important crop for many reasons. They are a good source of protein and oil, and they can be used to make a variety of products, including tofu, soy milk, and biodiesel. Soybeans are also used in animal feed....

FAQs on Top 10 Largest Soybean-Producing Countries in the World

Which country produces the most soybeans in the world?...