Frequeltly Asked Questions

1. What is a `while` loop in Bash scripting?

A while loop is a control flow statement in Bash scripting that allows a certain block of code to be executed repeatedly as long as a specified condition is true. The loop provides a way to automate repetitive tasks and is a fundamental construct in scripting and programming.

2. How does the syntax of a `while` loop look in Bash?

The basic syntax of a while loop in Bash is as follows:

while [ condition ]
# Code to be executed while the condition is true

The `condition` is a test that occurs before each iteration of the loop. If the condition is true, the code within the loop is executed. If the condition is false, the loop exits, and the script continues with the next command after the `done` statement.

3. What is the role of the `(( ... ))` construct in a Bash while loop?

The `(( ... ))` construct in Bash is used for arithmetic operations. In the context of a `while` loop, it is often employed to evaluate arithmetic conditions.

For example: `((i < 10))` checks whether the variable `i` is less than 10. This allows you to use arithmetic expressions directly in the loop condition, making it especially useful when dealing with numeric comparisons.

4. How to create an infinite loop using `while` in Bash?

An infinite loop in Bash can be created by providing a condition that always evaluates to true.

For example:

while true
# Code for the infinite loop

Alternatively, you can use a non-zero constant in the condition, like `while [ 1 ]`, to achieve the same result. Infinite loops are useful in situations where continuous execution is required until manually interrupted.

Bash Scripting – While Loop

A while loop is a statement that iterates over a block of code till the condition specified is evaluated to false. We can use this statement or loop in our program when do not know how many times the condition is going to evaluate to true before evaluating to false.  

Table of Content

  • The Syntax of a while loop in BASH Scripting
  • Looping Example using while statement in Linux
  • Reading a file with a while loop  
  • Infinite while loop
  • While loop to iterate for a fixed number of times
  • Read the command-line argument with getopts options
  •  C-style while loop
  • While loop to perform operations on a file
  • Writing to a file using a while loop
  • Break and continue Using while Loop
  • Frequeltly Asked Questions

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while [ condition ];do # statements # commandsdone...

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Frequeltly Asked Questions

1. What is a `while` loop in Bash scripting?...


In this article we discussed the BASH scripting while loop which proves to be a versatile tool for executing a block of code repeatedly based on a specified condition. The basic syntax involves defining the condition within square brackets, allowing for flexible iterations. The article explores diverse applications of while loops, including reading from files, creating infinite loops, fixed iterations, parsing command-line arguments, and utilizing break and continue statements. From C-style syntax to interactive file writing, each example demonstrates the loop’s adaptability in addressing a range of scripting needs. This comprehensive overview underscores the while loop’s significance in BASH scripting, providing a robust mechanism for controlled repetition and efficient code execution....