Frequently Asked Question on SSH

What is SSH?

SSH(Secure Shell) is an access credential that is used in the SSH Protocol. In other words, it is a cryptographic network protocol that is used for transferring encrypted data over the network.

How does SSH provide security?

It disintegrates the data that travels over the network via encryption. All that a receiving party would discover is something like to static, meaningless random data that requires decryption.

What is the default port number of SSH?

The default port number of SSH is 22.

Distinguish between SSH1 and SSH2?

SSH2 solely employs host keys for system authentication, SSH1 encrypts distinct portions of the packets and uses both server and host keys. SSH2 uses a different networking technology than SSH1, and it is a total redesign of the protocol. SSH2 is also more secure.

What is port forwarding in SSH?

The method of sending data over an encrypted secure shell connection between a local and remote server is called SSH port forwarding, or SSH tunnelling.

Introduction to SSH(Secure Shell) Keys

The SSH(Secure Shell) is an access credential that is used in the SSH Protocol. In other words, it is a cryptographic network protocol that is used for transferring encrypted data over the network. The port number of SSH is 22(Twenty-Two). It allows you to connect to a server, or multiple servers, without having to remember or enter your password for each system that is to log remotely from one system to another. It always comes in key pairs:

  • Public key – Everyone can see it, no need to protect it. (for encryption function).
  • Private key – Stays in computer, must be protected. (for decryption function).

Key pairs can be of the following types:

  • User Key – If the public key and private key remain with the user.
  • Host Key – If public key and private key are on a remote system.
  • Session key – Used when a large amount of data is to be transmitted.

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