Frequently Asked Questions on Informal Groups

What is the role of an informal group?

The role of any informal group includes offering satisfaction and social status that shall not be available through a formal organisation.

What is an informal organisational setting like?

In an informal organisation, there may be no clear lines of authority or communication, and individuals often have multiple roles and responsibilities. This structure is common in small organisations or within specific departments or teams in larger organisations.

Which groups are more difficult to manage, informal or formal?

Types of groups have challenges, but formal group structures can limit creativity and flexibility, making it difficult to respond to the group’s needs effectively.

Can informal groups influence organizational culture?

Yes, informal groups can significantly influence organizational culture. Their norms, values, and behaviors can shape the broader workplace culture, either positively by fostering a collaborative environment or negatively by promoting resistance to change and exclusionary practices.

How do informal groups differ from formal groups?

Formal groups are officially created by the organization to accomplish specific tasks or goals and have defined structures, roles, and responsibilities. In contrast, informal groups are spontaneously formed and primarily focus on social and personal needs rather than organizational objectives.

Informal Groups: Causes, Types, Effects and Functions

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What are Informal Groups?

Informal Groups are associations of individuals formed based on common interests, social needs, or interactions, rather than being formally created by organisations. These groups spontaneously emerge in various settings, like workplaces, communities, and social environments. They play a pivotal role in enhancing communication, providing support, and promoting partnerships among members without following specific policies, procedures, or hierarchies....

Causes of Informal Groups

1. Desire for Socialization: People naturally seek social connections to fulfill their social and ego needs, which are often unmet within a formal organisational structure. Informal groups provide a space for social satisfaction, friendships, and a sense of belonging....

Types of Informal Groups

1. Horizontal Group: A horizontal group is an informal organisation made up of individuals working at the same level within an organisation. These groups promote mutual support and information sharing among their members. They often solve problems internally without needing to involve supervisors or other hierarchical levels....

Effects of Informal Groups

1. Positive Effects...

Functions of Informal Groups

1. Socialization: Informal Groups create a space for social interactions, boosting friendships, camaraderie, and a sense of belonging among members. This social aspect helps build strong interpersonal relationships within the organisation....

Difficulties Due to Informal Groups

1. Resistance to Change: Informal groups often resist changes that disrupt their established norms and values. This resistance can make it challenging for formal groups to implement new policies or practices effectively....

Influencing Informal Group

1. Building Trust and Credibility: To influence informal groups, establishing trust and credibility is pivotal. People are more likely to follow individuals they trust and respect, so demonstrating integrity and reliability is crucial....


Informal Groups, which emerge spontaneously based on common interests and social needs, play a crucial role in various settings by enhancing communication, providing support, and promoting partnerships. These groups fulfill essential social and psychological needs, promote quick information sharing, and contribute to problem-solving and innovation within organisations. However, they also present challenges such as resistance to change, role conflict, and the spread of rumors. Effective management of informal groups involves building trust, demonstrating value, maintaining clear communication, and understanding group dynamics....

Frequently Asked Questions on Informal Groups – FAQs

What is the role of an informal group?...