Frequently Asked Questions on Joins

What is the primary purpose of a join operation in DBMS?

The Primary purpose of join operation in DBMS is to two or more tables based on related columns , enabling the retrival of data from multiple tables in single query.

What is the difference between an inner join and an outer join?

An inner join returns the only matching values that available in both tables while outer join returns all the data which is maching as well as non-matching values from the both tables.

When is an Equi Join used in a database query?

An Equi Join is a type of inner join that uses equivalence (usually ‘=’) conditions in the join condition. It is used when you want to combine rows where specific columns have equal values.

What is a Natural Join, and when is it used?

A Natural Join is a type of inner join where no comparison operators are needed. It is used when columns in the two tables have the same name and domain, and there is at least one common attribute between them.

In a full outer join, what does the result table include?

In a full outer join, the result table includes all the rows from both tables, whether they have matching values or not.

Joins in DBMS

A join is an operation that combines the rows of two or more tables based on related columns. This operation is used for retrieving the data from multiple tables simultaneously using common columns of tables. In this article, we are going to discuss every point about joins.

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Frequently Asked Questions on Joins – FAQs

What is the primary purpose of a join operation in DBMS?...