Frequently Asked Questions on Modulation and Demodulation

What is Modulation and Demodulation?

The conversion of digital signal to analog signal is known as Modulation while the reverse of modulation is known as demodulation. In modulation, the modulator is connected at the transmission end, and in demodulation, the demodulator is connected at the receiver’s end. The modulator and demodulator are the circuits in modulation and demodulation.

Which device is used for modulation and demodulation?

The modem is the device that is used for modulation and demodulation. Modem is the process of converting analog signal to digital signal and vice versa. It can modulate and demodulate the signals of each other.

What is the difference between Modulation and Demodulation?

The difference between modulation and demodulation is that modulation is connected at the transmission end while demodulation is connected at the receiver’s end. The transmission of frequency in modulation goes low to high while the transmission of frequency in demodulation goes high to low.

What are the benefits of Modulation and Demodulation?

Benefits of Modulation:

  • It decrease the size of the Antenna.
  • In modulation, there is no mixing of signal.
  • It provides flexibility for adjusting the bandwidth.

Benefits of Demodulation:

  • It helps to improve the original signal.
  • It improve the Amplitude, frequency and phase modulation signals.
  • Demodulation improve the signal reliability.

Why we need Modulation and Demodulation?

Because Modulation goes from a longer distance that means there is no requirement of wires in the communication systems. It makes the human wireless. Nowadays we see that the telephone is not plugged into our home wall. The requirement of demodulation helps to recover the original signal that is generated from the modulated signal.

Difference Between Modulation and Demodulation

Modulation and demodulation are components of modems that convert analog signals to digital signals and vice versa. The process of converting digital to analog is known as modulation, and the reverse of modulation is known as demodulation. Analogue signals are continuous, whereas digital signals are discrete, or change abruptly. In this article, we will explain modulation and demodulation, as well as the differences between them.

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Diference Between Modulation and Demodulation

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Frequently Asked Questions on Modulation and Demodulation – FAQs

What is Modulation and Demodulation?...