Frequently Asked Questions related to Requirement Elicitation

What are the means of elicitation requirements?

Following are the means of elicitation requirements

  • Brainstorming
  • Group discussions
  • Interviews
  • Watching user interactions
  • Prototyping
  • Collaborative requirement sessions
  • Feedback forms

What is the process of elicitation?

The elicitation process involves stakeholders and supports collaboration, allowing opposing viewpoints to reach an agreement.

What is an interview in requirement elicitation?

Interview in requirement elicitation is one-on-one conversations designed for understanding the specific requirements and objectives of a project.

Requirements Elicitation – Software Engineering

Requirements elicitation is the process of gathering and defining the requirements for a software system. The goal of requirements elicitation is to ensure that the software development process is based on a clear and comprehensive understanding of the customer’s needs and requirements. This article focuses on discussing Requirement Elicitation in detail.

Table of Content

  • What is Requirement Elicitation?
  • Importance of Requirements Elicitation
  • Requirements Elicitation Activities
  • Requirements Elicitation Methods
  • Steps Of Requirements Elicitation
  • Features of Requirements Elicitation
  • Advantages of Requirements Elicitation
  • Disadvantages of Requirements Elicitation

Requirement Elicitation

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What is Requirement Elicitation?

The process of investigating and learning about a system’s requirements from users, clients, and other stakeholders is known as requirements elicitation. Requirements elicitation in software engineering is perhaps the most difficult, most error-prone, and most communication-intensive software development....

Importance of Requirements Elicitation

Compliance with Business Objectives: The process of elicitation guarantees that the software development endeavors are in harmony with the wider company aims and objectives. Comprehending the business context facilitates the development of a solution that adds value for the company. User Satisfaction: It is easier to create software that fulfills end users’ needs and expectations when they are involved in the requirements elicitation process. Higher user pleasure and acceptance of the finished product are the results of this. Time and Money Savings: Having precise and well-defined specifications aids in preventing miscommunication and rework during the development phase. As a result, there will be cost savings and the project will be completed on time. Compliance and Regulation Requirements: Requirements elicitation is crucial for projects in regulated industries to guarantee that the software conforms with applicable laws and norms. In industries like healthcare, finance, and aerospace, this is crucial. Traceability and Documentation: Throughout the software development process, traceability is based on well-documented requirements. Traceability helps with testing, validation, and maintenance by ensuring that every part of the software can be linked to a particular requirement....

Requirements Elicitation Activities

Requirements elicitation includes the subsequent activities. A few of them are listed below:...

Requirements Elicitation Methods

There are several requirements elicitation methods. A few of them are listed below:...

Steps of Requirements Elicitation

Following are the Steps of Requirement Elicitation...

Features of Requirements Elicitation

Stakeholder engagement: Requirements elicitation involves engaging with stakeholders such as customers, end-users, project sponsors, and subject-matter experts to understand their needs and requirements. Gathering information: Requirements elicitation involves gathering information about the system to be developed, the business processes it will support, and the end-users who will be using it. Requirement prioritization: Requirements elicitation involves prioritizing requirements based on their importance to the project’s success. Requirements documentation: Requirements elicitation involves documenting the requirements clearly and concisely so that they can be easily understood and communicated to the development team. Validation and verification: Requirements elicitation involves validating and verifying the requirements with the stakeholders to ensure they accurately represent their needs and requirements. Iterative process: Requirements elicitation is an iterative process that involves continuously refining and updating the requirements based on feedback from stakeholders. Communication and collaboration: Requirements elicitation involves effective communication and collaboration with stakeholders, project team members, and other relevant parties to ensure that the requirements are clearly understood and implemented. Flexibility: Requirements elicitation requires flexibility to adapt to changing requirements, stakeholder needs, and project constraints....

Advantages of Requirements Elicitation

Clear requirements: Helps to clarify and refine customer requirements. Improves communication: Improves communication and collaboration between stakeholders. Results in good quality software: Increases the chances of developing a software system that meets customer needs. Avoids misunderstandings: Avoids misunderstandings and helps to manage expectations. Supports the identification of potential risks: Supports the identification of potential risks and problems early in the development cycle. Facilitates development of accurate plan: Facilitates the development of a comprehensive and accurate project plan. Increases user confidence: Increases user and stakeholder confidence in the software development process. Supports identification of new business opportunities: Supports the identification of new business opportunities and revenue streams....

Disadvantages of Requirements Elicitation

Time-consuming: It can be time-consuming and expensive. Skills required: Requires specialized skills and expertise. Impacted by changing requirements: This may be impacted by changing business needs and requirements. Impacted by other factors: Can be impacted by political and organizational factors. Lack of commitment from stakeholders: This can result in a lack of buy-in and commitment from stakeholders. Impacted by conflicting priorities: Can be impacted by conflicting priorities and competing interests. Sometimes inaccurate requirements: This may result in incomplete or inaccurate requirements if not properly managed. Increased development cost: This can lead to increased development costs and decreased efficiency if requirements are not well-defined....


Software engineers utilize requirements elicitation as a guide to help them construct systems that meet real-world needs and objectives while ensuring a seamless transition between technology and user expectations....

Frequently Asked Questions related to Requirement Elicitation

What are the means of elicitation requirements?...