Full Binary Tree vs Complete Binary tree

For a full binary tree, every node has either 2 children or 0 children.

Example 1:

A binary tree

In the given binary tree there is no node having degree 1, either 2 or 0 children for every node, hence it is a full binary tree.

For a complete binary tree, elements are stored in level by level and not from the leftmost side in the last level. Hence this is not a complete binary tree. The array representation is:

Element stored in an array level by level

Example 2:

A binary Tree

In the given binary tree there is no node having degree 1. Every node has a degree of either 2 or 0. Hence it is a full binary tree.

For a complete binary tree, elements are stored in a level by level manner and filled from the leftmost side of the last level. Hence this a complete binary tree. Below is the array representation of the tree:

Element stored in an array level by level

Example 3:

A binary tree

In the given binary tree node B has degree 1 which violates the property of full binary tree hence it is not a full Binary tree

For a complete binary tree, elements are stored in level by level manner and filled from the leftmost side of the last level. Hence this is a complete binary tree. Array representation of the binary tree is:

Element stored in an array level by level

Example 4:

a binary tree

In the given binary tree node C has degree 1 which violates the property of a full binary tree hence it is not a full Binary tree

For a complete binary tree, elements are stored in level by level manner and filled from the leftmost side of the last level. Here node E violates the condition. Hence this is not a complete binary tree

Complete Binary Tree

We know a tree is a non-linear data structure. It has no limitation on the number of children. A binary tree has a limitation as any node of the tree has at most two children: a left and a right child.

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