Function of a Salt Bridge

The main functions of Salt bridge are,

  • Maintaining Electrical Neutrality
  • Preventing Liquid Junction Potential

Let’s learn about them

Maintaining Electrical Neutrality

The salt bridge helps to maintain electrical neutrality within the internal circuit of the cell, preventing the buildup of positive or negative charges at the electrodes, which could otherwise impede the electrochemical reaction.

Preventing Liquid Junction Potential

It minimizes the liquid-liquid junction potential, which is the potential that arises between two solutions when they are in contact with each other.

Salt Bridge

Salt Bridges are laboratory devices that are essential for the proper functioning of electrochemical cells, such as voltaic cells or Daniel cells, as they help in the continual flow of electrons and maintain the balance of charges.

In this article, we will look into salt bridges, their applications, their role in chemical cells, types, etc, and others in detail.

Table of Content

  • What is a Salt Bridge?
  • Function of a Salt Bridge
  • Types of Salt Bridges
  • Construction of a Salt Bridge
  • Limitations of Salt Bridges

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