Function of SAARC

  • Efforts have been made by SAARC to increase member-country transportation connectivity. In order to accomplish this, the SAARC Motor Vehicles Agreement and the SAARC Regional Multimodal Transport Agreement were established. According to the terms and conditions of the Agreement, Member States must obtain permits from other Member States for the transportation of passengers and cargo in accordance with the procedure and protocols outlined in the Agreement. This Agreement also allows Member States to allow the vehicles of other Member States to operate on their territory under certain conditions. On November 26–27, 2014, in Kathmandu, the SAARC summit was scheduled to sign the Agreement. 
  • SAARC has launched a number of initiatives to promote investment and trade among its member nations. The group founded the SAARC Investment Area as well as the South Asian Free Trade Area (SAFTA). These two organizations examine issues relating to trade and investment.
  • Promoting regional agricultural cooperation has been the organization’s main goal. The SAARC Food Bank and the SAARC Seed Bank were established by the organization with this objective in mind.
  • The President of India approved the establishment of the SAARC Food Bank on April 17, 2007. According to the terms of the agreement, the SAARC Food Bank shall have a reserve of foodgrains consisting of either wheat or rice or a combination of the two, as determined by the assessed share of each member state.
  • A request by the Department of Agriculture and Cooperation for India to sign the Agreement on Establishing a SAARC Regional Seed Bank was approved by the Cabinet in November 2011. 
  • By giving people the chance to live honorably and reach their full potential, the SAARC seed bank aims to promote regional economic growth, social advancement, and cultural development. It will encourage and fortify the South Asian nations’ shared independence.
  • The establishment of the SAARC Film Festival and the SAARC Cultural Center by SAARC are both efforts to advance cultural cooperation among its member nations.
  • SAARC has made efforts to enhance the region’s public health. SAARC established the SAARC HIV/AIDS and Tuberculosis Centers with this objective in mind. To combat natural disasters, the organization also established the SAARC Disaster Management Center.

SAARC Full Form

The full form of SAARC is South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation, it is an intergovernmental body of South Asia. It was founded in Dhaka on December 8th, in the year 1985, almost 38 years ago. The SAARC secretariat is located in Kathmandu in the capital city of Nepal. This organization encourages regional integration as well as economic growth among its member nations. It established the South Asian Free Trade Area in 2006 to serve this purpose. SAARC maintains diplomatic ties with the UN in its capacity as an observer. It has also strengthened ties between multilateral organizations and the European Union.

SAARC has eight member states. They are: Nepal, Afghanistan(2005), Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka. 
Besides this SAARC has nine observer countries, such as: Australia, China, European Union, Iran, Japan, Mauritius, Myanmar, South Korea, United States.

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Function of SAARC

Efforts have been made by SAARC to increase member-country transportation connectivity. In order to accomplish this, the SAARC Motor Vehicles Agreement and the SAARC Regional Multimodal Transport Agreement were established. According to the terms and conditions of the Agreement, Member States must obtain permits from other Member States for the transportation of passengers and cargo in accordance with the procedure and protocols outlined in the Agreement. This Agreement also allows Member States to allow the vehicles of other Member States to operate on their territory under certain conditions. On November 26–27, 2014, in Kathmandu, the SAARC summit was scheduled to sign the Agreement.  SAARC has launched a number of initiatives to promote investment and trade among its member nations. The group founded the SAARC Investment Area as well as the South Asian Free Trade Area (SAFTA). These two organizations examine issues relating to trade and investment. Promoting regional agricultural cooperation has been the organization’s main goal. The SAARC Food Bank and the SAARC Seed Bank were established by the organization with this objective in mind. The President of India approved the establishment of the SAARC Food Bank on April 17, 2007. According to the terms of the agreement, the SAARC Food Bank shall have a reserve of foodgrains consisting of either wheat or rice or a combination of the two, as determined by the assessed share of each member state. A request by the Department of Agriculture and Cooperation for India to sign the Agreement on Establishing a SAARC Regional Seed Bank was approved by the Cabinet in November 2011.  By giving people the chance to live honorably and reach their full potential, the SAARC seed bank aims to promote regional economic growth, social advancement, and cultural development. It will encourage and fortify the South Asian nations’ shared independence. The establishment of the SAARC Film Festival and the SAARC Cultural Center by SAARC are both efforts to advance cultural cooperation among its member nations. SAARC has made efforts to enhance the region’s public health. SAARC established the SAARC HIV/AIDS and Tuberculosis Centers with this objective in mind. To combat natural disasters, the organization also established the SAARC Disaster Management Center....

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Challenges of SAARC

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