Function of the Cranial Nerves

Here, we will look into the functioning of the cranial nerves.

Nerve No.





Helps in the detection of smell.



Helps in sight.



Helps in the movement of the eyeball, constriction of the pupil, and its accommodation.



Helps in the rotation of the eyeball.



The sensory part helps in the sensation of the forehead, scalp, upper eyelid, side of the nose, and teeth.

The motor part helps in the movement of the tongue, and jaw muscles for chewing.



Helps in the rotation of the eyeball.



The sensory part helps with taste.

The motor part helps in facial expression, chewing, and movement of the neck.


Auditory (acoustic/vestibulocochlear)

Helps in hearing and maintaining equilibrium.



The sensory part helps with taste and touch.

The motor part helps in the movement of the pharynx.


Vagus (pneumogastric)

The sensory part helps in the sensation of the throat, larynx, thorax, and abdomen.

The motor part helps in swallowing, voice, peristalsis, secretion of gastric glands, and slowing of the heart.


Accessory (spinal)

Helps in the movement of the muscle in the pharynx, larynx, neck, and shoulder.



Helps in the movement of the tongue.

Cranial Nerves : Function, Anatomy and Location

Cranial Nerves: Function, Anatomy, and Location: Cranial nerves are a group of nerves that arises from the brain. Cranial nerves are mainly of two types of conducting nerves; cranial nerves which arise from the brain and spinal nerves which arises from the spinal cord. They are mainly part of the peripheral nervous system i.e. helps in the transmission of information from the brain.

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