Functioning of the World Food Program

World Food Program (WFP) was established in 1961 by the United Nations (UN) to help address the problem of world hunger. Its headquarters are in Rome, Italy. The organization works to achieve the sustainable development goal of zero hunger. It pledges to end hunger, improve nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture worldwide to achieve food security. 

The WFP extends help to victims affected by both natural and human-made disasters. Its duties involve collecting and transporting food to crisis areas where people are affected by wars and other conflicts, epidemics, pandemics, crop failures, and natural disasters such as floods, droughts, earthquakes, and storms. The WFP not only distributes food aid in emergencies but also provides food assistance to meet the long-term needs of the affected people. 

WFP collaborates with several national and global organizations to implement various food security initiatives. WFP is offering assistance in improving the accountability, efficiency & transparency of various countries’ food distribution systems to tackle the problem of hunger and food security. It works in collaboration with two Rome-based UN organizations as follows:

  • The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) helps countries set up policies and legislation to support sustainable agriculture.
  • The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) finances projects in poor rural areas to help deal with food crises. 

World Food Program

The world is dealing with various challenges and crises, and tackling hunger is a significant issue. The World Food Program (WFP) is an initiative of the United Nations that works with countries to help needy and vulnerable people get the food they need for survival. WFP is a branch of the United Nations that formulates policies and procedures aiming toward hunger eradication and food security worldwide. 

It mainly focuses activities on countries where hunger is a critical issue. It is the world’s largest humanitarian organization dealing with hunger problems worldwide and delivering food assistance in emergencies. It collaborates with different communities to provide food assistance, improve nutrition and build a healthy human society. The World Food Program (WFP) has won the 2020 Nobel Prize for Peace.

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