Functions of Brain

Here are the major functions of our brain as mentioned below.

  • The brain is the source of our intelligence that interprets the different senses.
  • It controls the different abilities to talk, walk, and do other work.
  • The brain coordinates and also regulates internal processes like the breathing process, circulation of blood, and heart rate.
  • The cerebrum part of the brain regulates our personality, mood, and emotions. It also helps us in the process of thinking and learning.
  • The cerebral cortex helps to process the brain information. The right side of the cerebral cortex controls the left side of our body and the left side controls the right parts of our body.
  • The cerebellum of the brain is sensitive to alcohol and this part is responsible for maintaining balance and walking.

Facts About Brain

Facts About Brain: The brain is a complex organ that controls all of our body functions. This organ is the source of intelligence and is made up of 60 per cent of fat and 40 per cent of water, protein, salts, and carbohydrates. Our brain also contains different blood vessels and nerves which also include the neurons and glial cells.  Understanding the brain structure and function helps us learn about how different areas of the brain work together to carry out day-to-day chores. In this article, we are going to discuss the facts about the brain in detail.

Table of Content

  • Brain
  • Facts About Brain
  • Functions of Brain
  • Conclusion – Facts About Brain
  • Related Facts Articles
  • FAQs – Facts About Brain

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Facts About Brain

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Functions of Brain

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Conclusion – Facts About Brain

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