
Fungi are found everywhere across the world. They are heterotrophic organisms and get nutrients from dead substrates by absorption. Most of the fungi are multicellular except yeast. Their cell walls are composed of fungal or chitin cellulose. Their bodies are long and have thread-like structures called hyphae. A bunch of hyphae forms mycelium. They depend on living animals and plants and are called parasites.

Fungi are further classified into 4 classes based on the structure of mycelium and mode and type of spore formation:

  1. Phycomycetes
  2. Ascomycetes 
  3. Basidiomycetes
  4. Deuteromycetes


Biological classification can be defined as the method used to categorize and group living organisms based on their features and functions, also known as taxonomy. The first biological classification is done by Aristotle, who classified living organisms based on morphological characteristics. According to the classification of Aristotle, organisms can be classified as Organisms that have red blood cells and Organisms that don’t have red blood cells. After that, Carolus introduced the system of kingdoms. According to him, there are two kingdoms, Animalia and Plantae. But still, there are some organisms that didn’t get any categorization from this classification. Then R.H. Whittaker classified organisms. R.H. Whittaker classified living organisms into 5 kingdoms based on their cell structure, complexity, reproduction, mode of nutrition, and phylogenetic relationships. The five kingdoms are Monera, Protista, Fungi, Animalia, and Plantae.

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Fungi are found everywhere across the world. They are heterotrophic organisms and get nutrients from dead substrates by absorption. Most of the fungi are multicellular except yeast. Their cell walls are composed of fungal or chitin cellulose. Their bodies are long and have thread-like structures called hyphae. A bunch of hyphae forms mycelium. They depend on living animals and plants and are called parasites....


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Economic Importance

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FAQs on Phycomycetes

Question 1: Define biological classification....