Garbage Collection

A fundamental aspect of .NET memory management, garbage collection, is a topic of interest in interviews. Candidates should possess a solid understanding of garbage collection mechanisms, memory allocation patterns, and techniques for optimizing resource utilization.

TatvaSoft, Codinova Technology and R Systems Interview Experience As A NET Developer

Hey there, future NET developers! If you’re gearing up for interviews in the exciting world of .NET development, you’re in the right place. Interviews can feel like a big adventure, but don’t worry, we’re here to guide you through it. In this article, we’re going to explore some common topics that often pop up in these interviews. These topics are like the building blocks of .NET development, and understanding them well can really boost your confidence when you’re sitting across the table from interviewers.

NET developer interview Experience in TatvaSoft, Codinova Technology and R Systems.

These are the set of 25 questions that I faced in interviews for 0-2 years of experience candidates, so you’re getting firsthand insights into what you might encounter out there! So, let’s dive in and uncover what these topics are all about!

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Dependency Injection (DI):

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Methods for Registering Services:

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IEnumerable vs IQueryable:

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Garbage Collection:

A fundamental aspect of .NET memory management, garbage collection, is a topic of interest in interviews. Candidates should possess a solid understanding of garbage collection mechanisms, memory allocation patterns, and techniques for optimizing resource utilization....

Heap vs Stack:

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MVC Architecture:

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ViewBag vs ViewData vs TempData:

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Partial View:

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Filters in MVC:

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Tag Helpers and HTML Tag Helpers:

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Routes in MVC and RouteConfig File:

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Stored Procedure:

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CTE (Common Table Expressions):

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