Garbage Collection Policies

Garbage collection policies establish guidelines and practices for clearing out obsolete or unused images from Docker registries, which aids in registry sanitation, performance enhancement, and storage space optimization.

Running garbage collection on Docker Hub

docker system prune -a –volumes

Running garbage collection on AWS ECR

aws ecr batch-delete-image –repository-name my_image –image-ids imageTag=latest

Best Practices for Docker Image Management and Versioning

In today’s fast-paced development world, Docker containers have become a game-changer. They offer a lightweight, portable, and isolated environment to run applications. But with great power comes great responsibility (and sometimes, a lot of images!).

This guide dives into best practices for Docker image management and versioning. We’ll explore strategies to keep your containerized world organized, efficient, and secure. By the end, you’ll be a Docker image maestro, wielding control and clarity over your containerized applications.

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Garbage Collection Policies

Garbage collection policies establish guidelines and practices for clearing out obsolete or unused images from Docker registries, which aids in registry sanitation, performance enhancement, and storage space optimization....


By following these best practices for Docker image management and versioning, you can create, deploy, and maintain your applications efficiently, ensuring a stable and predictable development environment....

Docker Image Management and Versioning – FAQs

What is the best way to ensure consistent versioning of Docker images?...