Generate Documentation from Code Comments of Jinja

Below are the steps by which we can generate documentation from code comments using Jinja:

Step 1: Write Simple Python Script

To begin, let’s consider a simple Python script with comments that contain documentation information. We will use Python to read the code file and extract these comments. This Python script contains two functions: ‘add’ and ‘subtract’. The ‘add’ function takes two numbers as input and returns their sum, while the ‘subtract’ function also takes two numbers as input and returns their difference. Both functions include comments describing their purpose, parameters, and return values, which serve as comments for documentation.


# Sample Python script with comments
# Function to add two numbers
def add(a, b):
    This function adds two numbers and returns the result.
    :param a: First number
    :param b: Second number
    :return: Sum of a and b
    return a + b
# Function to subtract two numbers
def subtract(a, b):
    This function subtracts one number from another.
    :param a: First number
    :param b: Second number
    :return: Difference between a and b
    return a - b

Step 2: Extracting the Docstring from the File

We can use Regex matching for this task. This code reads a Python file, uses regular expressions to parse function definitions, comments, parameters, and return values. The extracted data is stored in a list of dictionaries named ‘functions’, containing details like function name, docstring (description), parameters with their comments, and return value comments for each function in the file.


import re
# Read the Python file
with open("", "r") as file:
    code =
# Regular expression patterns for function definitions, comments, parameters, and return values
func_pattern = r'def\s+(\w+)\s*\(([^)]*)\)\s*:\s*"""([^"]*)"""'
param_pattern = r":param\s+(\w+):\s*([^:]+)"
return_pattern = r":return:\s*([^:]+)"
functions = []
# Find all function definitions
for match in re.finditer(func_pattern, code):
    function_name, params, docstring = match.groups()
    # Extract parameters and their comments
    parameters = {}
    param_matches = re.findall(param_pattern, docstring)
    for param, comment in param_matches:
        parameters[param] = comment.strip()
    # Extract return value comment
    return_value =, docstring)
    return_comment = if return_value else None
            "name": function_name,
            "docstring": docstring,
            "parameters": parameters,
            "return_value": return_comment,

Step 3: Add Jinja Templates to Structure and Format Documentation

Next, we create a Jinja template that will be used to format the extracted comments into a structured document. Below is a example of a Jinja template for our Python functions. Add this code in file.

The ‘template’ is a Jinja2-based text template. It generates documentation by looping through the ‘functions’ list. For each function, it presents the function name, description, parameters with their descriptions, and return value (if specified) using Jinja2’s templating syntax to create a structured documentation output.


template = """
# Documentation
{% for func in functions %}
Function Name: {{ }}
Description: {{ func.docstring }}
{% for param, desc in func.parameters.items() %}
- {{ param }}: {{ desc }}
{% endfor %}
Return Value: {{ func.return_value }}
{% endfor %}

Step 4: Generating documentation from code comments

Finally let’s use our Jinja template to generate the documentation we need. Add this code in file.

Here we use Jinja2 library to compile the ‘template’ string into a Jinja template object. It then uses the ‘render’ method to populate the template with data from the ‘functions’ list, creating documentation based on the provided structure.


from jinja2 import Template
# Create Jinja template object
jinja_template = Template(template)
# Render the template
output = jinja_template.render(functions=functions)
# Print the output

Full Code ( )


import re
from jinja2 import Template
# Read the Python file
with open("", "r") as file:
    code =
# Regular expression patterns for function definitions, comments, parameters, and return values
func_pattern = r'def\s+(\w+)\s*\(([^)]*)\)\s*:\s*"""([^"]*)"""'
param_pattern = r":param\s+(\w+):\s*([^:]+)"
return_pattern = r":return:\s*([^:]+)"
functions = []
# Find all function definitions
for match in re.finditer(func_pattern, code):
    function_name, params, docstring = match.groups()
    # Extract parameters and their comments
    parameters = {}
    param_matches = re.findall(param_pattern, docstring)
    for param, comment in param_matches:
        parameters[param] = comment.strip()
    # Extract return value comment
    return_value =, docstring)
    return_comment = if return_value else None
            "name": function_name,
            "docstring": docstring,
            "parameters": parameters,
            "return_value": return_comment,
template = """
# Documentation
{% for func in functions %}
Function Name: {{ }}
Description: {{ func.docstring }}
{% for param, desc in func.parameters.items() %}
- {{ param }}: {{ desc }}
{% endfor %}
Return Value: {{ func.return_value }}
{% endfor %}
# Create Jinja template object
jinja_template = Template(template)
# Render the template
output = jinja_template.render(functions=functions)
# Print the output


Video Output

Converting Jinja Comments into Documentation

Developers often face the challenge of creating comprehensive documentation for their code. However, by leveraging Jinja, a powerful template engine for Python, it becomes possible to automatically generate documentation from code comments. This article will explore the process of using Jinja to extract information from code comments and create structured, readable documentation.


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