Generative Design

Generative Design is the latest trend that has taken design industry by storm. Generative Design is a technique that uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) to create Computer Aided Design. In simpler terms, Generative Design lets us designer create professional or semi- professional designs by taking a set of system design requirements as an input. With applications and processes becoming more automated and AI taking away jobs, as designers we can be future ready by learning how to use AI to our advantage or else we may get replaced by it.

Best UI/UX Trends for 2024

2024 is being seen as a very game-changing year for the UI and UX Industry. Not only it is being predicted that this year will give us lasting innovations in the way we perceive UI/UX design, but we are also seeing a shift from traditional design towards XR design and IoT design. There have been rapid changes in the field of UI/UX design and new trends came out that took this industry by storm. Trends are a great way to understand what’s happening in the industry and what the things that one should focus on to have more leverage in their job.

Therefore, In this article, we will discuss the top UI/UX design trends for 2024 as of now and what that tells us about where the industry of UI/UX design is going.

UI/UX Trends

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In 2024, UI/UX Design is becoming more focused on the user experience and how to the user interacts with the website or application above everything. Like we discussed, there is a clear shift from traditional design towards XR design and IoT design and Generative design. According to the current trends, industry is focusing more on design practices like Usability testing, bold typography, 3D animations etc. Also since the market of XR design has been increasing, VR design and XR design was also treading in the industry. Make sure to act upon these insights and plan your future in the design industry keeping these trends in mind for a more impactful career ahead....