Geographic Distribution of World’s Population

Various factors contribute to this unevenness or uniformity in population distribution across different parts of the world known as “geographic population distribution”. These factors fall into three major groups:

  • Geographical Factors: Climate Change remains a critical issue affecting man globally; topography together with natural resources also play a significant role. Those places that offer readily available freshwater, moderate climates alongside fertile soil tend to experience higher numbers of inhabitants compared to those characterized by deserts, polar areas, or high mountains which are barely populated.
  • Economic Factors: Job availability coupled with economic development including infrastructure determine rural-urban migration rate because they attract more individuals into big cities where employment opportunities abound than villages where there are limited activities taking place.
  • Social And Cultural Factors: Also, cultural factors, historical events and political stability can influence the choice of place to live for individuals. Regions affected by conflicts or experiencing political instability may witness population shifts towards more peaceful areas.

The next table represents a brief overview of population density, total population and percentages of world population per continent showing the global distribution in 2023-2024:


Population Density (people/km²)

Total Population (approx.)

% of World Population



4.9 billion




1.4 billion




748 million


North America


378 million


South America


432 million




44 million


World Population Distribution: Overview, Density and Growth

World Population Distribution: For the global population surge occurring in 2023 – 2024, it is important to know and understand world population trends. The earth is now inhabited by over 8.1 billion people, with an incredible sixty percent of them in Asia. This imbalance causes both problems and opportunities, which affect resource allocation, urban planning, and even environmental sustainability.

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