Get topmost N records within each group

Firstly, we created a pandas dataframe in Python:


#importing pandas as pd
import pandas as pd
#creating dataframe
df=pd.DataFrame({ 'Variables': ['A','A','A','A','B','B',
                 'Value': [2,5,0,3,1,0,9,0,7,5,4]})


   Variables  Value
0          A      2
1          A      5
2          A      0
3          A      3
4          B      1
5          B      0
6          B      9
7          C      0
8          C      7
9          C      5
10         C      4

Get topmost N records within each group of a Pandas DataFrame

Firstly, the pandas dataframe stores data in the form of a table. In some situations we need to retrieve data from dataframe according to some conditions. Such as if we want to get top N records of each group of the dataframe. We create the dataframe and use the methods mentioned below.

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