Git Used for

  • Tracking code modifications is one of its uses.
  • Monitoring the change makers
  • Cooperative coding

GitPush With (Visual Studio) VS Code

Collaborative coding and version control are integral to modern software development practices. Integrating your Visual Studio Code (VS Code) environment with GitHub provides a seamless experience for managing your codebase, collaborating with others, and tracking changes effectively. In this article, we’ll explore the step-by-step process of adding a GitHub repository to VS Code and pushing code changes using the command line. This integration streamlines your workflow, making it easier to contribute to projects, track changes, and collaborate with fellow developers.

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Describe Git

Version control systems like Git are widely used. Since then, Junio Hamano has been responsible for its upkeep. Linus Torvalds designed it in 2005....

Git Used for

Tracking code modifications is one of its uses. Monitoring the change makers Cooperative coding...

Utilizing Git

Create a repository for a folder by initializing Git on it. Git now makes a hidden folder to monitor any modifications made to that folder. A file is deemed modified whenever it is added, altered, or removed. You decide which edited files to stage. Git saves a persistent snapshot of the staged files after they are committed. Git lets you view each commit’s complete history. It is possible to roll back any prior commitment. Git tracks the changes made in each commit rather than storing a separate copy of every file!...

Steps to create and add Git repository in vs code

Step 1: Open the VS code, then open a new terminal and create a new empty folder using this command: mkdir gfg...


In conclusion, integrating a GitHub repository in VS Code streamlines version control and collaboration. Leveraging the command line with git push facilitates seamless code contributions, fostering an efficient and collaborative development workflow. This combination enhances productivity and ensures effective code management in your projects....

GitHub repository in VS Code – FAQ’s

How to push code to GitHub from Visual Studio command line?...