Google’s Gemini AI is a Serious Threat to ChatGPT

DeepMind CEO Demis Hassabis predicted that Gemini would outperform ChatGPT when it was launched. He said, “When Gemini is complete, it could play a major role in Google’s response to the competitive threat posed by ChatGPT and other generative AI technology.” Demis Hassabis stated that developers are creating Gemini utilizing concepts from the AI project AlphaGo.

Google Delays ‘Gemini’ Launch to 2024

An AI tool called “Gemini” that can talk won’t be available until next month, which is a sad fact. Search Engines are still checking it out to see how well it works. Also, OpenAI’s ChatGPT was meant to come out at the same time.

Google employees discovered that Gemini “didn’t reliably handle some non-English queries,” which led to the delay, according to The Information. Google had planned events in New York, Washington, DC, and California for the end of the month to show off Gemini. But these events were canceled by Sundar Pichai, CEO of Google, because they wouldn’t work.

There would be some of Google’s most important AI projects on display at the event in Washington, DC. These things take place when the government examines how to handle technology more deeply. Google should not have started up in December. Discounts aren’t very big at this time of year.

People have called Gemini’s website a “collection of large-language models.” When it’s done, it can answer a lot of questions from users. The questions could be easy picture and word problems, code, or something else. A lot of people believe that this highly advanced AI tool will greatly enhance both the Bard AI robot and Google’s search engine.

Google has not discussed Gemini’s abilities very much so far. A Google spokesperson described it as a “next-generation foundation model” in May of last year. There will be “a range of sizes and configurations” of Gemini, the company says, after it has been “fine-tuned and rigorously tested for safety.”

The fact that Gemini’s release date was pushed back demonstrates how difficult it is to create and deploy extremely complex AI systems. AI could be utilized in various ways, but before they’re made available to the public, it’s critical to ensure they’re safe and useful and accomplish what they’re supposed to do.

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Google’s Gemini AI is a Serious Threat to ChatGPT

DeepMind CEO Demis Hassabis predicted that Gemini would outperform ChatGPT when it was launched. He said, “When Gemini is complete, it could play a major role in Google’s response to the competitive threat posed by ChatGPT and other generative AI technology.” Demis Hassabis stated that developers are creating Gemini utilizing concepts from the AI project AlphaGo....


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