Governmental Responsibilities

The Indian Constitution establishes the roles and responsibilities of each government level. The central government, for example, is responsible for the country’s defense and currency creation. All of these responsibilities are spelled out in our constitution. A government’s list of obligations and tasks is seemingly limitless. All three types of government have obligations that are nearly identical. 

  1. First and foremost, the government is charged with maintaining the country’s law and order. They must provide the funding to establish an effective and capable police force, a judicial system that serves all citizens fairly, and a well-trained defense force. For all three levels of government, the security system is a primary priority.
  2. After ensuring the security of the highest order, the government must focus on the people’s well-being. To strengthen their economy, they must concentrate on the health, transportation, and infrastructure sectors. Inflation, foreign investments, and foreign reserves will all be factored in some of their projects.
  3. In addition to the preceding two, the government must prioritize the preservation of nature and the environment. It must be in charge of cleaning national and international waters, maintaining forests, establishing sanctuaries, and reducing air pollution. It must also focus on renewable energy resource investments.
  4. It is also the government’s responsibility to improve a country’s agricultural sector by enacting required rules and regulations. In a country like India, where agriculture is the primary source of income, it is the government’s responsibility to implement adequate planning and land tenure systems. For the welfare of India’s agricultural sector, the government of India has adopted many steps to address disagreements, conflicts, and inappropriate planning, such as economic subsidies, land reform, and a new tenancy system.
  5. The Indian government placed a strong emphasis on the development of industrial sectors such as iron, steel, power, and cement in its second five-year plan. To boost growth even further, the Indian government launched the New Industrial Policy in 1991, allowing the private sector to create consumer goods businesses as well as a few heavy technical goods.
  6. Fiscal policies include taxes and subsidies, as well as all other government policies that affect public revenue and spending. Fiscal policies that are implemented correctly aid in the country’s economic progress. It aids in the control of inflation, capital formation, and market stabilization.
  7. The importance of trade in the country’s economic success cannot be overstated. The government’s job is to regulate and control trade policy by imposing tariffs, levies, and other measures in order to improve the Balance of Payments position (BOP).

Government Initiatives to Boost All Sectors of Economy

  • The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has established a framework for investments that will allow foreign portfolio investors to participate in open offers, buybacks of securities, and disinvestment of shares by the Central and State governments in order to attract more investment into India’s debt and equity markets.
  • Opening up Insurance sector: Within the 26 percent FDI cap, FIIs and non-resident Indians (NRIs) would now be eligible to invest in the insurance sector. The guidelines will also apply to insurance brokers, third-party administrators (TPAs), loss assessors, and surveyors, according to a news release from DIPP. The investments can be made in an automated manner.
  • Promotion of SMEs: Over the last several years, the Indian government has worked with the industry to create a more dynamic environment for small and medium companies (SMEs) and startups. SMEs in India employ over 40% of the workforce and produce 45 percent of the country’s manufacturing output. The growth of first-generation entrepreneurs in the country is aided by a favorable governmental environment, the expansion of angel funds, and a lively entrepreneurial culture.
  • To increase investor confidence, the Cabinet Committee on Investments (CCI) of the UPA government recommended the quick completion of 36 infrastructure projects worth Rs 1,830 billion (US$ 29.28 billion).

Roles and Responsibilities of Government

Government is a system or entity comprised of individuals who run a country or state. The government operates under the country’s constitution. The Constitution is a set of fundamental laws and concepts created to ensure by good governance. These rules assist the government in carrying out all actions relating to social law, order, welfare, defense, education, and the country’s or state’s financial policies.

Table of Content

  • Levels of Government
  • Types of Government
  • Governmental Responsibilities

Roles of Government

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