Grade 4 English Worksheet: Cause and Effect Worksheet

Cause and Effect Worksheet

Cause and Effect Worksheet

Directions: Read the sentences below. Use a red crayon to underline the cause in each sentence. Use a blue crayon to underline the effect in each sentence.

  1. Cara’s dress was wrinkled, so her mother ironed it.
  2. Sally took out her art box because she wanted to paint.
  3. My sunflower grew quickly because it had water and sun.
  4. Ben worked hard on his project and got a great grade!
  5. When the hurricane came, we put the chairs into the shed.
  6. Dad lit the grill because we all wanted to eat hamburgers.
  7. The police came to our house because the alarm went off.
  8. I grew an inch last year and now my pants are too short.
  9. Sue dislikes carrots because she ate one and got sick.
  10. We missed the golf match because our car broke down.

Grade 4 English Worksheet 5: Cause and Effect Worksheet

A cause-and-effect worksheet for class 4 is designed to help students in the fourth grade develop and improve their logical reasoning skills. Teachers and parents typically use these worksheets to assess students’ ability to understand and interpret written texts.

Meaning: Cause and Effect are about how one thing causes something else to happen. The cause is about why something happened. The Effect is what happened. Here are some examples of causes and Effects.

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Grade 4 English Worksheet: Cause and Effect Worksheet


Annotated Version:

Cara’s dress was wrinkled, so her mother ironed it. Cause: Cara’s dress was wrinkled. Effect: Her mother ironed it. Sally took out her art box because she wanted to paint. Cause: Sally wanted to paint. Effect: She took out her art box. My sunflower grew quickly because it had water and sun. Cause: The sunflower had water and sun. Effect: It grew quickly. Ben worked hard on his project and got a great grade! Cause: Ben worked hard on his project. Effect: He got a great grade. When the hurricane came, we put the chairs into the shed. Cause: The hurricane came. Effect: We put the chairs into the shed. Dad lit the grill because we all wanted to eat hamburgers. Cause: We all wanted to eat hamburgers. Effect: Dad lit the grill. The police came to our house because the alarm went off. Cause: The alarm went off. Effect: The police came to our house. I grew an inch last year and now my pants are too short. Cause: I grew an inch last year. Effect: My pants are too short now. Sue dislikes carrots because she ate one and got sick. Cause: Sue ate a carrot and got sick. Effect: She dislikes carrots. We missed the golf match because our car broke down. Cause: Our car broke down. Effect: We missed the golf match....