Graph of a complex number and its conjugate

A complex number z = a + ib can be represented as a point on the Euclidean plane coordinates as (Re(z), Im(z)). The Euclidean plane that represents complex numbers as points where X and Y axes represent the real and imaginary parts of a complex number is called an argand plane or a complex plane. From the below graph, we can observe that the conjugate of a complex number is the reflection of a complex number about the real axis (X-axis). 

  • The polar form of a complex number z = a + ib is z = reix = r(cosθ + isinθ), where r is the modulus and θ is the argument of a complex number. The polar form of a complex number helps to represent and identify it on an argand plane. The polar form of the complex conjugate is z̅ =  re−ix = r(cosθ − isinθ).
  • The modulus of a complex number is defined as the distance of the complex number z = a + ib from the origin, in an argand plane. It is denoted by |z| and its value is r = √(a2 + b2). 
  • The angle made in the anticlockwise direction by the line that joins the origin and the point that represents a complex number with the positive X-axis is called the argument of the complex number.

Argz (θ) = tan−1(b/a)

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Answer: We refer to or the complex number obtained by altering the sign of the imaginary part (changing positive to negative or vice versa) as the conjugate of z.

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Graph of a complex number and its conjugate

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Solved Examples on Complex Numbers

Example 1: Simplify: (3+4i)/(1–5i)....