Graph of a Pseudo-Reaction

In the case of pseudo, a first-order reaction chemical reaction takes place between two substances and one reactant is present in access. Let’s discuss the pseudo-first-order reaction in detail. 

Let’s take a reaction like a A + b B —–> c C + d D. Its rate of reaction is given by,

Rate = K (Ax By)


  • x and y are considered as the concentrations of reactants A and B.

Order the whole reaction will be x + y. As x is the order of reaction concerning A and y is concerning B.

Graphical representation of Pseudo-reaction

Pseudo First Order Reaction

Pseudo means fake or false. A pseudo-first-order reaction is defined as a reaction that appears like a higher order reaction but is actually of a lower order. A pseudo-first-order reaction is a bimolecular reaction that appears like a first order (1st order) reaction due to more concentration of reactants than the other reactants. But, it is different from the first-order reaction. In this article, we are going to learn about the pseudo-first-order reaction. We can determine the order of the reaction by the dependency of the reaction rate on reactants concentration. We can say an order is a first-order reaction if the rate of reaction is directly proportional to the first power of concentration of the reactants. The order of the pseudo-first-order reaction is defined as the sum of the powers of concentration of reactants in the rate law expression, which is also known as the order of that particular chemical reaction. We can classify the order of the reactions as a first-order reaction, second-order reaction, zero-order reaction, or pseudo-first-order reaction depending on the reactants’ concentration.

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