GraphQL basic Schema Design

let’s take an example to understand the basics of graphQL Schema design


type Book {

id: ID!

title: String!

author: String!


type Query {

books: [Book!]!

book(id: ID!): Book


type Mutation {

createBook(title: String!, author: String!): Book

updateBook(id: ID!, title: String, author: String): Book

deleteBook(id: ID!): Boolean



We have defined three main types:

  • Book
  • Query
  • Mutation

Book Type:

The Book type represents a book object with three fields:

  • id: An ID field, which is non-nullable (! indicates that it cannot be null).
  • title: A String field, which is non-nullable.
  • author: A String field, which is non-nullable.

Query Type:

It defines two query fields:

  • books: Returns a list of Book objects, ! indicates a non-null list of non-null Book objects.
  • book(id: ID!): Takes an id argument and returns a single Book object.

Mutation Type:

It defines three mutation fields:

  • createBook: Creates a new book with title and author arguments and returns a Book.
  • updateBook: Updates an existing book with id, title, and author arguments and returns a Book.
  • deleteBook: Deletes a book with the given id and returns a Boolean indicating success.

What is GraphQL?

Client and server communication follows a traditional approach of REST APIs which is good but nowadays applications have become more powerful and complex which requires a more flexible approach rather than REST, so here GraphQL comes into the picture. In this article, we will go through all the concepts of graphQL.

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