Grid Medium

Bootstrap Grid uses a 12-column grid layout to style the website. It is used to create a responsive and consistent website. A medium grid is applied when the screen size is ≥768 px. A 12-column grid is divided equally between the screen size. Variable width can be specified by mentioning the number for example, .container-md-4. If the screen size is less than 768 px, then the element takes 100% width of the screen.

Breakpoint Description Size (px)
xs Extra Small (default) < 576
sm Small ≥ 576
md Medium ≥ 768
lg Large ≥ 992
xl Extra Large ≥ 1200
xxl Extra Extra Large ≥ 1400

Bootstrap 5 Grid Medium

Bootstrap is a free and open-source tool for creating responsive websites and web applications. It is the most popular HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework for developing responsive, mobile-first websites. Nowadays, the websites are perfect for all browsers (IE, Firefox, and Chrome) and all sizes of screens (Desktop, Tablets, Phablets, and Phones). It provides a Faster and Easier way for Development.

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Grid Medium

Bootstrap Grid uses a 12-column grid layout to style the website. It is used to create a responsive and consistent website. A medium grid is applied when the screen size is ≥768 px. A 12-column grid is divided equally between the screen size. Variable width can be specified by mentioning the number for example, .container-md-4. If the screen size is less than 768 px, then the element takes 100% width of the screen....

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