Gut Hormones

  • Gastrin Hormone: It is one of the significant hormones that is used in the digestion process. It can be classified into two categories. They are Big Gastrin & Small Gastrin. Both of them are secreted from the gastric antrum and duodenum in the intestine. The main goal of this hormone is to regulate the secretion of gastric acid. Gastrin also helps to stimulate the intrinsic factor and secretin in the body. This hormone is also used to increase the inner mucous layer in the stomach. It helps to increase gastric and intestinal motility.
  • Secretin Hormone: It is another important hormone that is secreted from the Duodenum and jejunum of the intestine. It also helps to digest the food by increasing some factors. And last, it helps to grow more hunger in the body. It helps to increase the stimulation of the pancreatic acid secretion process. It helps to reduce Gastrin. It reduces the effect of Gastrin. And along with that, gastric acid secretion is also reduced in this case.
  • Vasoactive Intestinal Polypeptide (VIP) Hormone: The VIP hormone is not directly secreted from the intestine or the wall of the intestine. It is secreted from the Enteric nerves of the intestine. The main goal of this hormone is to act upon the walls of the intestine. And it helps to expand the walls to secrete more other hormones if it is necessary. It helps to expand the muscles of the Gut, and blood vessels to increase the permeability of the water whenever it is necessary.

Hormonal Regulation of Food Intake

The human body is a complex combination of different organs. Some organs help to gain energy; some organs help to distribute that energy. There are also some organs present that help to command the overall human body. If the human body is considered a special complex machine, then there should be a flow of energy to run that machine. This energy is coming from the food. Not only humans, but all animals also intake food to gain energy for their survival. Without taking food, animals will not able to survive. But this food intake process is a very complex method. There is a proper presence of the Central Nervous System to regulate the food intake process. The component under the Central Nervous System that helps to regulate the process is known as the Hypothalamus.

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Gut Hormones

Gastrin Hormone: It is one of the significant hormones that is used in the digestion process. It can be classified into two categories. They are Big Gastrin & Small Gastrin. Both of them are secreted from the gastric antrum and duodenum in the intestine. The main goal of this hormone is to regulate the secretion of gastric acid. Gastrin also helps to stimulate the intrinsic factor and secretin in the body. This hormone is also used to increase the inner mucous layer in the stomach. It helps to increase gastric and intestinal motility. Secretin Hormone: It is another important hormone that is secreted from the Duodenum and jejunum of the intestine. It also helps to digest the food by increasing some factors. And last, it helps to grow more hunger in the body. It helps to increase the stimulation of the pancreatic acid secretion process. It helps to reduce Gastrin. It reduces the effect of Gastrin. And along with that, gastric acid secretion is also reduced in this case. Vasoactive Intestinal Polypeptide (VIP) Hormone: The VIP hormone is not directly secreted from the intestine or the wall of the intestine. It is secreted from the Enteric nerves of the intestine. The main goal of this hormone is to act upon the walls of the intestine. And it helps to expand the walls to secrete more other hormones if it is necessary. It helps to expand the muscles of the Gut, and blood vessels to increase the permeability of the water whenever it is necessary....

FAQs on Hormones Regulated Food Intake Process

Question 1: Which Central Nervous System component knows as the “Hunger Controller”?...