Hardware and Environmental Requirements

In most cases, it’s the prevailing hardware that might place constraints upon the CASE tool choice. Thus, rather than process hardware necessities for a CASE tool, the task at hand becomes to suit an associate degree optimum configuration of the CASE tool within the existing hardware capabilities. Therefore, it is often emphasized to choose the foremost optimum CASE tool configuration for a given hardware configuration.

  1. The heterogeneous network is one instance of distributed surroundings and this will be decided for illustration because it is a lot of in style because of its machine freelance options. The CASE tool implementation in the heterogeneous network makes use of the client-server paradigm. The multiple purchasers WHO run different modules access the knowledge wordbook through this server. the info wordbook server could support one or a lot of comes. although it’s doable to run several servers for various comes however distributed implementation of information wordbook isn’t common.
  2. The toolset is integrated through the info wordbook that supports multiple cores, multiple users operating at the same time, and permission to share data between users and comes. the info wordbook provides a consistent read of all project entities, e.g., a knowledge record definition and its entity-relationship diagram be consistent. The server ought to depict the per-project logical read of the info wordbook. this suggests that it ought to permit backup/restore, copy, cleansing of a part of the info wordbook, etc.
  3. The tool ought to work satisfactorily for an optimum doable variety of users operating at the same time. The tool ought to support multi-windowing surroundings for the users. this is often vital to modify the users to work out quite one diagram at a time. It additionally facilitates navigation and change from one half to the opposite.

Characteristics of CASE Tools – Software Engineering

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Hardware and Environmental Requirements

In most cases, it’s the prevailing hardware that might place constraints upon the CASE tool choice. Thus, rather than process hardware necessities for a CASE tool, the task at hand becomes to suit an associate degree optimum configuration of the CASE tool within the existing hardware capabilities. Therefore, it is often emphasized to choose the foremost optimum CASE tool configuration for a given hardware configuration....

Documentation Support

The deliverable documents should be organized diagrammatically and may be able to incorporate text and diagrams from the central repository....

Project Management Support

The CASE tool ought to support assembling, storing, and analyzing data on the computer code project’s progress like the calculable task length, regular and actual task begin, completion date, dates, and results of the reviews, etc....

External Interface

The CASE tool ought to permit the exchange of data for the reusability of style. the data that is to be exported by the CASE tool ought to be ideally in American Standard Code for Information Interchange format and support open design....

Reverse Engineering

The CASE tool ought to support the generation of structure charts and knowledge dictionaries from the prevailing supply codes. It ought to populate the info wordbook from the ASCII text file. If the tool is employed for re-engineering data systems, it ought to contain conversion tool from indexed consecutive file structure, graded and network database to computer database systems....

Data Dictionary Interface

The data wordbook interface ought to give read and update access to the entities and relations hold on in it....

Other characteristics include:

Automation: A lot of the time-consuming and repetitive operations associated with software development are automated by CASE technologies. This include maintaining project-related artefacts, producing documentation and writing code based on design specifications. Integration: To enable smooth communication and data sharing between the various stages of the software development life cycle, CASE systems frequently offer integration features. This lowers the possibility of mistakes and maintains consistency. Collaboration: Version control, access control and concurrent editing are three capabilities that CASE systems offer to help team members collaborate. This facilitates the management of updates and modifications made by several team members who are working on the same project. Modelling: A lot of CASE systems have graphical modelling features that let programmers make illustrations of the software system. This covers diagramming technologies including entity-relationship diagrams, flowcharts, data flow diagrams and UML diagrams. Analysis and Design Support: By offering features like modelling, prototyping, and simulation, CASE tools support requirements analysis and system design. Before the system is actually implemented, these tools aid developers in visualizing the architecture and separating its constituent parts. Code Generation: Based on design parameters, certain CASE tools enable automatic code generation. This can shorten the software development life cycle’s implementation phase, increase consistency and lower the number of coding errors. Testing Support: Features that improve and speed up the software testing process are included in CASE tool’s testing support. With features like code coverage analysis and regression testing, these solutions guarantee complete code coverage by automating the creation, execution and administration of test cases. More effective and complete testing procedures are facilitated by integration with testing frameworks, automated testing tools and performance testing facilities. Reverse Engineering: Developers may examine and understand existing codebases with the help of CASE tool’s reverse engineering functionalities. These resources offer graphical representations that help with code knowledge, such class diagrams. In addition to identifying design patterns, these tools provide suggestions for reorganizing the code to make it easier to read and maintain....