Health Hazards of Cinnamic Acid

  • It is safe when the dosage of cinnamic acid is less but large quantities of cinnamic acid are considered harmful to the body.
  • If the concentration of cinnamic acid in cosmetics is high it may trigger allergic reactions.
  • If the cinnamic acid converts to cinnamaldehyde it is highly toxic to the body.
  • It may lead to irritation in the eyes on contact.
  • If inhaled it may even cause respiratory irritation and a problem with breathing.

Cinnamic Acid Formula

Carbon is a nonmetallic, tetravalent element that is of great use to humans. Its name is derived from Latin carbo which means charcoal or ember. Even though carbon is only 0.025% of the earth’s crust and 0.03% in the atmosphere it is of great importance to mankind. Carbon’s abundance in the earth’s core and the atmosphere is high.  The ability of carbon to form polymer at normal temperature is the reason it is commonly found in all living forms. The largest source of inorganic carbon is limestones, dolomite, etc.

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Health Hazards of Cinnamic Acid

It is safe when the dosage of cinnamic acid is less but large quantities of cinnamic acid are considered harmful to the body. If the concentration of cinnamic acid in cosmetics is high it may trigger allergic reactions. If the cinnamic acid converts to cinnamaldehyde it is highly toxic to the body. It may lead to irritation in the eyes on contact. If inhaled it may even cause respiratory irritation and a problem with breathing....

FAQs on Cinnamic acid

Question 1: Write a short note on Cinnamic acid....