
To create a heatmap using this module a simple heatmap() function is used with appropriate parameters.


Heatmap(m, col = c(), cluster_columns = FALSE, cluster_rows = FALSE, rect_gp = gpar() … )


  • m :  matrix or vector
  • cluster_columns : specify clusters for columns
  • cluster_rows : specify clusters for rows
  • rect_gp : to add gap spaces to heatmap

Example: Simple Heatmap 


# code to create a simple heatmap
# generate random numbers
d1 <- runif(500, 0, 1)
m<-matrix(d1,nrow = 20,ncol=10)
# randomize the data points


How To Make Heatmaps in R with ComplexHeatmap?

Heatmap is a Visualization technique in the form of a matrix. It is mainly used for analyzing the numeric feature in a dataset and to visualize the trend over the data. This technique can highlight the range of values using color intensity i.e it indicates higher values with brighter colors and the color gradually fades out for smaller values.

In this article, we will see how to plot heatmaps using the Heatmap( ) function of ComplexHeatmap Package in R programming language.

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