Helpful French Phrases for Collecting Information

Here are some useful French phrases for collecting data in France:

French English
Je cherche le métro/le gare/l’aéroport I am searching for the metro/train station/airport
Pourriez-vous prendre ma photo/notre photo? Are you able to take my photo/our photo?
Où sont des toilettes? Where are the toilets?
Parlez lentement, s’il vous plaît Speak slowly, please
Pourriez-vous m’aider? Can you help me?
Où est un bon restaurant/un bon café? Where is a good restaurant/a good café
Je cherche l’hôtel/l’hôpital/la banque I am searching for the hotel/hospital/bank.
Je ne comprends pas I do not understand
Répétez, s’il vous plait Repeat, please
Où est la plage/le centre-ville? Where is the beach/city center

50 Basic French Words and Phrases To Know While Traveling To France

Anybody who has spent even a short period in France, particularly in Paris, understands the value of knowing a little French. Locals will immediately warm up to visitors who attempt to communicate in their language. The French will notice your respect, whether you say “bonjour” while entering a business or order politely at a café. Any helpful French words, phrases, or sayings you can memorize can help you traverse the nation, engage with locals, and get the most out of your vacation.

In this article, let’s get to know about some basic french words and phrases that can be really helpful:

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